A Fistful Of Post ATMO (old)

as seen in the local weekly paper


Is River City getting into weed sales?

Just hemp oil pills. No THC.

RCB owner does love him some marijuana though so who knows.


I love me some CBD for recovery. Fantastic for sore muscles, I’ve used it for soft tissue injuries, hangovers, etc. Pretty magical stuff if your brain chemistry jives with it.

I would party with both those dudes.

Totally. And the comments on the Bike Portland story remind me why I don’t live in Portland.

LA Times reporter contacted me on FB because of my ranting over Rapha/The Waltons… Articulating my ire was hard.

what was your (hot) take?

yes i desire to hear the hot take because i have heard these particular waltons are not necessarily terrible people

They are super party boys, but they have built a lot of really great trails in Arkansas. Due to my Ozark cycling connections, we have a number of friends in common, and I can’t find anyone with a bad thing to say about these dudes personally.

Do they not personally support concervative and anti-union causes and candidates?

Oh, I am sure their politics are abhorrent. But apparently, if you ran into them on the trails, they’re chill.

I didn’t buy Rapha before and I won’t buy it now.

Honestly most of my reaction was visceral so I did my best to articulate what I could of it. Don’t make fun. Hopefully I didn’t do it too wrong.

Reading though that, I sound like a bit of a dolt. Oh well…

Didn’t realize you were only 37.

Well said though, I share the same opinion on the whole deal and of American billionaire business owners in general.

Only 37?
I’m not yet 37 and I feel like I should be joining aarp

55 and over cru checking in.

[quote=NOVELTYNAME]Only 37?
I’m not yet 37 and I feel like I should be joining aarp[/quote]


I just always thought he was hella old. His avatar had me fooled.

lolol. I’m certainly curmudgeony enough.