asploded bike parts thread

I saw a ground squirrel decapitated by an aerospoke on the bay trail. icky.

wonder if they’d warranty that

Sucks on the knee cap- soft tissue, too? Heal up and rehab well!

Not really asploded here, but pretty crazy anyway.

Coat hanger took out my dad in the 80’s. He was also taken out by a turtle at about 30mph on a midnight down hill.

When I read that I thought he was tragically killed by a coathanger. Then when I read about the turtle I stopped feeling bad about laughing.

dayum, what cranks are those?

Dorra Ice.

Fucking powa legs.

Nasty ones that haven’t been cleaned in years.


omnium backs are more smooth and beefy on the spider, cant run a chainring on the inside and the crank arms arent flat, they curve in
props on managing to shatter that axle rusty

i didn’t realize that the thread flowed over onto the next page, which contained the answer. also, i just saw single ring and beefiness and assumed omnium. aka: not looking very closely.

post wasnt meant with any condescending undertones or anything, just wanted to contribute information when i actually do know something

no worries, i didn’t take it that way.

[quote=jawn doe]omnium backs are more smooth and beefy on the spider, cant run a chainring on the inside and the crank arms arent flat, they curve in
props on managing to shatter that axle rusty[/quote]
Not mine. I found it on Flickr.