awesome fixie vidz

Not fixie but awesome.

Probably repost but whatevs

PS Have I mentioned lately that the search function sux asses like crazy.

The first video was epic. FGFL.

I like how they ripped off the the “famous” brand logo.

[quote=grindmaster flash]not “fixie” (god i fucking hate that word), but this looks pretty good.

edit: oops…here

keepin’ it deep [a messenger story] from mattycakes on Vimeo.


lul my friends brother

Hot fya!

that’s boring with the music instead of the talking.

realized i know that guy. still a messenger in sf. crazy guy, sometimes he’s really interesting to talk to, sometimes he’s just too much.

that 1st video makes me want to kill myself.

so I just heard about this and it annoys the fuck out of me for several reasons:

  1. They rode 350 miles not carrying their shit. Over 7 stupid days. Big fuckin’ deal.
  2. My non-hipster/non-“LIFER BIKER BRO!!!” friend did this exact same ride on a fixed gear 2 years ago because he felt like it, with no fanfare to speak of.
  3. They say about a thousand retarded things, such as ‘I’ve never been on a trip where a bike’s the primary form of transportation, so cool bro!’
  4. Oh, personal pet-peeve: after working on my own bike movie for fucking ever recently, watching people slap some trendy alt-rock song on their video and calling it done pains me so much, because here I sit, pulling my hair out over getting a completely local soundtrack, and my movie probably won’t register as high on the “SICK vid bro, are you sponsored?!!” scale as something with their piped-in impersonal (stolen) hip garbage. Bah.
  5. Grrr.

I only got halfway through the first video, maybe they’re really redeeming guys, and I’m sure the trip was fun, but fuck. Do something impressive before you get all ‘impressive’ about it.


  1. They rode 350 miles not carrying their shit. Over 7 stupid days. Big fuckin’ deal. [/quote]

dude, that’s almost FIVE tarck centuries EVERY DAY. How is that not impressive?!?!?

grumble grumble grumble can I join the “Over 30” club yet? These fucking kids need to get off my lawn.

I should’ve made a shitty video of my trip, then I’d be cool too :frowning:

but riding fixed gears = doubling mileage

no joke, i’ve heard that from multiple people here, but not fixsters bragging about it fwiw

From now on, I will refuse to videotape anything I do on a bike in solidarity with all the people who do epic shit on bikes but can’t afford to have someone on a scooter follow them with a sony handycam.

Actually, I’m just kind of angry that I didn’t document my totally eipc two years in Thailand. It had all the keys to success:
-Asian people
-Road signs written in foreign language
-Overcoming adversity (I mean, I didn’t have to ride 20 miles in the rain or anything, but there was that spinal fracture, dog attack and multiple crashes)
-Progression into road bikes

Damn, I was a sweet soundtrack away from being internet famous.

It’s clear that Davey is doing it wrong.

[quote=TimArchy]From now on, I will refuse to videotape anything I do on a bike in solidarity with all the people who do epic shit on bikes but can’t afford to have someone on a scooter follow them with a sony handycam.

Actually, I’m just kind of angry that I didn’t document my totally eipc two years in Thailand. It had all the keys to success:
-Asian people
-Road signs written in foreign language
-Overcoming adversity (I mean, I didn’t have to ride 20 miles in the rain or anything, but there was that spinal fracture, dog attack and multiple crashes)
-Progression into road bikes

Damn, I was a sweet soundtrack away from being internet famous.[/quote]

If a tree falls in a forest and no one is around to hear it, does it make a sound?

i’m getting this tattooed on my pelvis.

How about that new Australian video?

FLAT OUT- The Australian’s call it Walkabout, a chance to escape from the routine, heading into the empty wilderness to empty the body and soul of built up trash, we call it FLAT OUT.

Using the simplest and cleanest form of transport, a Track bike. Four cyclists, meet at the Sydney Opera House in Australia, to embark on a journey into extreme terrain during dangerous summer conditions, riding a massive 1200km of road in only ten days to the city of Melbourne.

With the monumental landscapes of Australia as the backdrop, a country and continent all in one that has some of the most diverse wildlife and landscapes on the planet, this challenging and hill ridden terrain proved the perfect situation to film a documentary. The riders were captured having to conquer their own inner demons to complete the journey within the ten days. Cycling an average 8 hours a day getting from one destination to the next, this experience allowed all of them to take stock and reflect, traveling on a more spiritual and inward journey. Each rider’s story being expressed individually using words, photos; drawings, music and a personal diary filmed on super 8 films. This will result in a film and book capturing the journey and experience from start to finish available later this year.

The question is… did they make it?

FLAT OUT is made up of individuals who share a common interest in riding Track bikes.

Blah blah blah blah. Wow, a whole whopping 1200k over 10 days and cycling an average of 8 hours a day? Let’s do some math.

1200/10 = 120 kilometers per day average.

120 kilometers/8 hours = 15 kilometers per hour average for the whole trip.

For us AMERUUUUICUN guys, 15km/h = a whopping 9.3 miles per hour. 9.3 miles per hour average.

Now I did some more math and cranking it up a bit, ASSUMING they only rode 5 hours a day to do that 120, you might get 24 km/h which is a grand 15.5 mph, which is STILL REALLY SLOW for what kind of terrain they were highlighting in the video, and the fact that they were in a loose group…

But hey man, they had NO BRAKES and were on TRACK BIKES.

I do have the answer to their question, and that’s “No one gives a fuck.”

they were certainly going more than 15mph on the glamor shots they showed.

Then why brag about spending 8 hours a day for 10 days straight when they only covered that distance?

i don’t think most people would calculate it to see that they’re going slow as shit most of the time

edit: may have already been said

edit again: i am actually really curious if the claim i’ve heard from people that riding fixed is equal to double miles is bs or not

[quote=Ranger Bear]
edit again: i am actually really curious if the claim i’ve heard from people that riding fixed is equal to double miles is bs or not[/quote]

I was musing over this as I ate a sandwich moments ago.