awesome fixie vidz

Don’t know how to embed this

already posted, can’t embed that anymore cos coleman can’t see it on his ipad

Joel of Clockwork Bikes built himself a sw8 p-far


The gnar, this dag shreds it.[/quote]

Oh man, that made my day! More than anything, that makes me want a gopro camera set up.

[quote=johnnyraja]the most awesomest



INTO THIN AIR from infinite trails on Vimeo.

Carrying a bike on your neck up a fucking mountain and then proceeding to ride the fuck down that mountain. Stopping now and then for a cup of coffee. That’s badass.

holy shit

the camera guy had to be doing even more work too

I didn’t want that to end.


The gnar, this dag shreds it.[/quote]
In the replies

Riders way | Mountain in the mist from VM PROJECT on Vimeo.

Last thing I want to do before bombing a mountain is assembling my bike in the rain. Did they spend all their money on fixed gear clothing and couldn’t afford a rack? Or are they trying to copy that Mash video where all the guys assemble their bikes at the airport? Nice soundtrack and editing, though.

Lol. Yeah bro, helmets really get in the way of being able to “ride”.

Levautre 2 months ago
That’s a really nice video, I liked it a lot, seriously but… Riding like this under the rain… With no helmets… Well… It’s a choice.

VM PROJECT plus 2 months ago
thanks and sorry levautre.
i don’t want you take offense
but. this film concept no helmets just under rain

FRbros have:
a) Awesome dogs
b) Lots of money for nice cameras
c) Little care for forest preservation and train maintenance
d) Rreally fucking horrible taste in music
e) All of the above



They’ve got brakes? take away all the cred.

[quote=TimJNCOed]FRbros have:
a) Awesome dogs
b) Lots of money for nice cameras
c) Little care for forest preservation and train maintenance
d) Rreally fucking horrible taste in music
e) All of the above[/quote]
I’m with you on all but C. Freeriders and downhillers probably do more trail work than any other category of people in the woods. Sure, they ride the trails like they just don’t give a fuck, but they also very likely built the trails and maintain them. In Santa Cruz, we always used to get dirty looks from hikers when they saw us, but realistically, I would guess that none of them spent any time in the woods with a shovel. They took the trails for granted. We understood that mountain bikers before us built them and we maintained them. On rainy days, we were out re-shaping the berms and pushing malleable mud back where it was supposed to be, building reinforcing walls out of fallen sticks and logs and re-routing trails out of areas that were getting destroyed.

I gave some hiker a lecture the other day when I was riding on the interior greenbelt trail on Mt Sutro a few months ago. I had pulled over so he and his wife could pass and he started chewing me out for riding my bike on the trail. I informed him that the trail we were standing on was closed for almost 70 years until the SF Urban Riders restored it this year. The only reason either of us could use the trail was because of mountain bikers who put in the hard work and shovel time necessary to make it happen.

Sure, there are a lot of assholes doing destructive shit to their environment, but that’s true of any group of trail users. There are, however, a lot more mountain bikers who give back to their local trails than ever get credit. Of course, many of their local trails are totally illegal and unsanctioned, but that’s a whole other thing…

Actually, I was a little unsure about that one. But those trails were dug like 2’ into the ground and some sections of the forest were just a few trees surrounded by tons of trails. I figure that shit can’t be good for the long term.

That ride looked fun, video was beautiful but a bit boring.