Can we post pictures of classy bikes?

Yes some of us have seen that amazing movie.
And obviously we seem incapable of posting classy bikes. How about a rule for this thread? You must post one classy bike per three posts in it.

Also quit double posting robot.

Velo-Orange’s flickr pool seems to be the motherload:

JACQUES: Un monsieur je pourrais le donner un coup de pied avec.

sure scott. whatever you say.

no. i wish. (if it had clips n straps)

building one kinda like it though but with nitto b-617 bars, and green.

“A gentleman I could give him a kick with”


“A gentleman I could give him a kick with”

fuck I’m bad at french.

edit: fuck yeah ira ryan!!

That reminds me, time for some vanilla love:

Classy in the front:

Classy in the rear:

that’s very baddass + classy at the same time.

YES. Finally someone posted the right bike in this thread.

racks powdercoated to match frame colors SO fucking classy

It would be pretty sweet if companies that make racks and bikes alike put out limited edition racks to match the bike color that year, at a lower cost than what it might cost to get them powdercoated.

Some EBISU bikes:

I love this bike so much. Maybe it needs and ax though?


Jim do you have more info on that bike?

^ - The bike belongs to a poster on the Classic & Vintage section of Bike Forums. I forget his name (and BF is down right now), but if you peruse the Before & After pictures thread, you’ll find the owner and his story. That thread is worth reading anyway, since it’s full of awesome bikes like that.

In other news, I’m totally buying a hatchet for my bike.

In other news, I’m totally buying a hatchet for my bike.[/quote]

This is too good not to save via sig. Therefore sig’d.

That’s it… I’m getting a front rack and bar bag. Tarckbike what do you like, Nitto M12 or Velo Orange Randonneur? Cons of either are completely aesthetic: the Randonneur will require p-clips to fit on my crosscheck frame, and the m12 sits higher and can’t really be adjusted for levelling.


VO Randonneur

PS ^^^ holy shit is that ever a nice bike

So, pretty much a gentleman has to ride a bike in an upright position, have equipment to prevent both the carrying of any cargo on his person and road spray from damaging his riding tweeds, and have killed an animal for something to sit on (and in several cases, something to hold on to)?

Well, he needn’t have killed the animal personally.