CAT6 Forever

That happens all the time with my Elephant. I always just watch from a safe distance until they leave. Some people take photos.

Some guy was taking photos of my grando on the train the other day. He was trying to be sneaky about it but come on dude, I know you’re there.

i think i got cat 6 sag wagoned today?
it was raining super hard (of course it started 60 seconds after i left my house)
waiting at light. newer blue f150 pulls up next to me, rolls down window. usually recipe for disaster
dude asked me if i wanted to throw my bike in the bed and get a ride to where i was going
i was only about two minutes away from work and am generally not in the habit of getting into strange vehicles so i politely declined
it was nice of him (assuming he didn’t plan to murder me)

he was just bein’ nice, probably.

He was definitely trying to kidnap you.


Last time I hitched in a pickup I learned about the joys of poisoning wolves in Oregon.

Maybe he just wanted your bike?

[quote=fixed]i think i got cat 6 sag wagoned today?
it was raining super hard (of course it started 60 seconds after i left my house)
waiting at light. newer blue f150 pulls up next to me, rolls down window. usually recipe for disaster
dude asked me if i wanted to throw my bike in the bed and get a ride to where i was going
i was only about two minutes away from work and am generally not in the habit of getting into strange vehicles so i politely declined
it was nice of him (assuming he didn’t plan to murder me)[/quote]
I had a dude offer me a ride once when it was pouring 33 degree rain at work one time. I was having a fucking miserable day and had just broken my saddle. I didn’t take him up on the offer but just the kindness of him offering gave me enough pause to take a couple deep breaths and realize everything would be okay. Given I didn’t take the ride he’ll never know how much it actually meant to me.

It truly is. My commute requires exactly zero fitness or effort. It’s wonderful.

As much as I hate brisk (sweaty) riding on the morning commute, sometimes you have to cat6. Full kit (tour of the moon) pathlete shoaled me twice today at red lights. Ok, fine, he probably thought since I was on a tarck bike wearing a backpack he could get away with it. Then he tried to drop me in the park. Tried, I guess he didn’t realize that this is my personal time trial zone. #pathletepassdenied. No way buddy, you’re not getting an inch on me. Next time unclip and don’t shoal me, then I won’t make you look like a fool. Perhaps I’ll ride the LeMond tomorrow and see if this guy wants more.

Nice. And shoaled twice -like you already passed him once and then he did it again at a later light? That makes it extra sweet.

I passed him twice, then 1/3 of the way through the park he tried to zoom past again, except I just accelerated to his speed and stayed neck-and-neck until the end of the park where we turned off to opposite directions. poor guy.

Caught up to a couple of skinny roadie bros on my commute yesterday arvo. They couldn’t hold a line, didn’t know how to take a lane, kept swerving into gaps then back out into traffic. A real shitshow, but they were moving at an ok speed so I sat in behind.
Came up to a roundabout, they sat in the gutter on the approach when you’ve seriously just gotta take the lane or get squeezed and hit. So I pulled out into the middle of the lane, overtook them both on the roundabout and TT’d away. Held them off and by the time I peeled off about 2km later I had half a block on them. Felt real good.
I was on the NFE with a full commuting load up front. I hope they went home and reevaluated everything.

if it makes you feel any better, I live about 10 miles east in Aurora and almost got hit by 3 different cars on my half mile ride between my apartment and the campus health center for a TB test. All of them stopped, looked right at me, then decided to floor it to beat the bike, then had to slam brakes at the last second because bikes are faster than pedestrians?


fuck montview.

lol yep, thought being near lunch time i’d be safe since it’s more direct.

haven’t ridden around denver, but riding in boulder makes me realize just how pathetic this city is for bikes

Dropped a MAMIL on a carbon something or other on my 50+lb xtracycle coming back from the beach this morning.

what’s a mamil?

I had my 2nd cat6 race of the day. I was going straight down a street. Neither I or the car in front of me had a stop sign, but Mr “I’m going to blow the perpendicular stop sign at full speed and go the same direction as kmcdon” didn’t care. He proceeded to full-speed blast every stop sign for the rest of the route. I also did not stop, but I did so safely. By the time we got to the hill, he had a 1.5 block lead on me. The hill is 2 blocks, and I was able to close the whole gap on him. By the time I caught him, he was slowing down for the red light. The light turned green, he futzed trying to get his business shoes into the powerstraps of his mid-eighties roadbike with some sort of columbus decal on it, and I took him out.

I held my lead until the next stoplight, where he shoaled me, as if to prove some sort of point. He jumped the light about 2 seconds before it turned green, I still passed him, and then I turned off to go home.

So, since I turned off that means I lost, right?

Middle Aged Man In Lycra