Got rammed by a car on Friday.

Glad you’re okay and that’s what’s important. As for calling the cops and having them solve the problem? Well… you know how I feel about it. :wink:

Nah, it sounds like you chose decency over self righteousness. Also, this:

Loved this book.

Also, calling the cops would’ve been wise if there was evidence or a number of witnesses that could have corroborated the fact that the woman committed assault with a deadly weapon. In the absences of evidence or witnesses, there’s very little if anything the cops would do.

I had 5 witnesses. I totally understand where all of you are coming from. (It’s like that scene from Saving Private Ryan where they’re about to shoot the German prisoner but elect to let him go because he’s “learned his lesson” only to have him end up back on the other side with a rifle in his hand.) The thing is, after the things I’ve seen of people through my travels and experiences, I don’t think people are all like that. I think people are good.

Maybe I’m wrong, and she’ll end up killing one of my friends. But then again, maybe I’m right?

I stand by my decision. Either way, I’m not going to call the cops now. I’m planning on writing a letter to the University President, but I have to choose my words carefully. That all said. Had there been any good measurable damage, or any injuries what so ever, the police would’ve been called immediately.

off topic fo’sho but I just read on the news how some idiot accidentally rammed a motorcycle cop who had stopped to let some pedestrians pass the street here in Helsinki last night. no one got seriously hurt but I LOL’d.

Sometimes, parents will be more ashamed of their actions if they get called out/cussed at in front of their kids even if they don’t show it at first. E-props for your self-control, I think composure in such a situation is to be respected. I don’t want to think of the things I would have done.

Fuck that. I would have called the cops in a heartbeat. No excuses in that situation.

In my experience as soon as you call out the parent on something they are more likely to just become more enraged. They’ll stand by their point, regardless of how ridiculous it is, just so their kid wont see them loose, even if it involves yelling, screaming, and throwing a fit. As soon as they loose their cool, there is no changing minds or educating them.

Also, the child in crazy lady’s car was very young. I actually didn’t even know there was a kid in there until Evo told me when we were riding away. I don’t know how much of an educational impact the situation or its mothers actions would have on it.

Oh yeah… I kept meaning to say. Child was babby.

Perfect opportunity to steal it and raise it as my own. Create my cycling wolf pack.

Also tails… its lose not loose. The grammar nazi’s of tarck are going to disembowel you.

This is the sad fact of the matter.

That said, you did not instigate anything. She was the one who made the unsafe, cross double yellow lines pass to get in front of you guys, remember? Obviously logic and reason don’t work for her, so maybe some face time with The Man will help, or at least cost her a citation and a headache.



from winter cycling thrad.

fucking spelling nazis.