Tarck Videos

yeah, i just get tunnel vision.

of course, that sort of resolve also helps me stay out of those kinds of situations.

It’s tough to tell from the video if the car made a dumb move before they hit. The rider was running the red, so, yeah, it was technically his fault. On the other side, the driver’s got insurance. I don’t feel so bad for the driver since he then tried to run the rider down and then drove his car into a public park. He apparently has no respect for the damage his car can do.

I don’t like to defend the stupid shit that people do in races. It shouldn’t be defended. It’s just stupid. If you do some stupid shit and something happens, chances are it is your fault. But that calculated risk is what makes an alleycat different from a road race. And thats the reason that a lot of us get into them.

Most of us would probably stop if we hit someones car, but most of us also wouldn’t hit the car for taking its right-of-way. But after the dude pulled the run-him-down move I doubt I would’ve stopped. I do wonder how long the car followed him for though. Alongside that, I wonder what kind of damage was actually done to the car, especially since he didn’t seem to hurt his elbow on the car.

their second video.[/quote]
shit was weak. they barely hit 2mph in that video.

I got this somewhere else. Damn. Skid to high speed wobble to faceplant. Maybe it’s already be posted here. If so, sorry.

Edit: Someone had already posted it

Disclaimer: I’m starting to get squeamish about shit like this like I am with skate videos. Just leave the slams out of dudes part and put them in the bonus features for people that enjoy seeing dudes sack on rails and knock heads on the concrete.