Thank Tarck

That I don’t have to know that the fender stays on that weird mod aren’t Berthoud.
That Fred exists to know that someone else is wrong
That Heath will have an opinion on everything
And that he is what I would qualify as reliable (but as with anything, trust but verify)
Thank Tarck that…

Thank Tarck that the sweedenlanders are up at 5am MST and like to chat most days.

Thank Tarck for getting me through being generally alone and friendless during my years in Thailand, especially while recovering from “the incident”.

Thank Tarck for not bullying me out of here like a year ago.

For bikes and everything outside of bikes-collective knowledge and experience on all things that seem to eventually come up in my life.

For Doug.


Thank Tarck for the random peeps I’ve met over the years.

Thank Tarck for being free of advertising and outside influences and heavy handed modding*. It’s what makes this place what it is. Well… that and the awesome people.

*Well I hope so at least.

Thank Tarck for being a place I can talk about bikes with people who actually know what they’re talking about.

And apologies to Tarck for having to ask so many questions since I don’t know shit

I would expect no less.

Thank tarck for keeping me entertained all these years.

You’re welcome.

Thank Tarck for being serious when I want it, but mostly not.
For being a weird internet place without being weird internet people.
For being the kind of place that could have a “it’s a tarck thing, you wouldn’t understand” sticker but chooses not to.
For not being brianforums, vsalon, or braceline. Or Facebook, or reddit.

thank Tarck

[quote=cheese]Thank Tarck for being serious when I want it, but mostly not.
For being a weird internet place without being weird internet people.
For being the kind of place that could have a “it’s a tarck thing, you wouldn’t understand” sticker but chooses not to.
For not being brianforums, vsalon, or braceline. Or Facebook, or reddit.[/quote]

All of this.

I can articulate many, many things, but I can’t really articulate why I love this forum so much.

thank tarck for jp

also for letting me transition through a very rough time in my life.
being unable to ride my bike a lot has affected my mood in a massive way
the epinephrines from flogging my body allowed me to keep the drugwolf at bay
now without that it’s weird and hard, but yall have embraced my truckliness and i love you for that

Thanks for the knowledge
Thanks for the lols

[quote=mander]Thanks for the knowledge
Thanks for the lols[/quote]

thanks tarck for keeping me sort of sane and feeling like I am a part of some sort of cycling community while stuck in a house in the middle of nowhere with an increasing number of kids and a decreasing amount of riding bikes

Thank tarck for letting me lurk to kill off work-related boredom.