The LBS Shitlist: the good, the bad, and the... ugly?

Mt. Airy Bikes ( in Maryland has at least 1 of everything, 3,000+ total bikes. prices are no bargain, but there’s so much stuff, there’s not a lot of incentive for the owner to sell.

I’ve been in College Park Bikes, but not Mt. Airy. Same owner, right?

Friendly Bike in Greensboro N.C.

Recycle-A-Bicycle on Ave. C in NYC. These guys used to let me pay them back for small parts that I needed right away. No credit or anything like that, just, pay us when you can.

sorry, i didn’t realize i used the same word to describe different things. he doesn’t stock worthless crap-and he’ll try and talk you out of building worthless crap, like if you took in some dumster shit frame and wanted him to build deep v’s for it. he’s all about people building their own stuff, he has enough business, shifterbikes is like his side project, i think he’s a full time mechanic at another shop. he puts in evenings and saturdays to hook up the local scene. that deserves hero status.

GNO in NOLA can be a little snide. When I took a mountain bike in there, they were nice as hell. When I take my SS in there, some of the guys can be dicks. The girl who works the front counter has never been anything but pleasant. To me, anyway. But yeah, you kind of get the feeling walking in there that they’re going to be hostile to anybody not fully lycra-clad.

best dudes/knowledge/air guitar skills/etc…

The other day I went to Village Cycles on Wells st in chicago looking for a cheap mountain bike to build my xtracycle on.
I searched for about fifteen minutes for an employee, the guy I found was halfbright and had no answers to my questions.
When I asked if I could test ride the thing, he said that they didn’t offer test rides but instead he said they had a no questions seven day return policy.
I told him that it was a stupid policy and that they had just lost my business and walked the hell out.

Yeah… the “girl” (woman) at GNO is pleasant… if only that made up for the rest of it.

I’m not going to go and say they’re the awesomest bike store in the world or anything, but Adam’s Bicycle World just over the Orleans Parish/Jefferson Parish line (outside New Orleans) bent over backwards trying to help me find some quasi-archaic parts… their stock didn’t seem impressive, but it goes to show how the mechanics putting a little effort into helping someone out makes a person overlook any shortcomings. That and I like any shop where the mechanics are honest enough to tell you to go take a look around at the local bike coop (in this case Plan B in the Marigny).

Sadly most of the bikeshops that used to treat me right have gone down hill… sometimes I think the key is getting in good with a mechanic, and then they’ll make some effort for you (but I have to name drop Broadway Bicycle School in Cambridge, MA anyway).

Hey, come to think of it… maybe we should develop a list of bicycle coops? We’re always trying to come up with something that will make tarckbike truly useful, this could be one of them… maybe I’ll start that.

I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again Cycle Smithy on Clark and Arlington in Chicago is the finest LBS I’ve ever had the pleasure of dealing with. here’s a stack of glowing reviews I found online.

Seattle’s Perfect Wheels is run by owner and only employee, Larry Naylor. Awesome guy who answered all my stupid questions as I built wheels and experimented with upgrades. Hardly ever charged me anything, took a set of spokes as payment for a tension/truing* (which ended up being a much bigger job because of . . . well, me.)

*In 3,000 miles, this wheel has only needed adjustment once despite several pinch flats and general jackassery.

I’ve had good and bad experiences at most shops in town. It really depends on who you deal with at the shop and not just the shop. With that said, here are the folks you need to talk to in Colorado Springs…

Toni (NOT Rick) @ Ted’s Bicycles - Best selection of small parts and spares in town.
Evan or Chris @ Criterium Bicycles - Best selection of big bikes and DH/FR gear in town.
Ryan or Keaton @ Bicycle Village - Best selection of general bikes in town. The only shop that carries track bikes.
Bicycle Experience - The only shop that carries track specific components. An amazing collection of vintage BMX and mountain bikes for display. That reason alone is enough to visit.

Not sure either of the previous two deserve the shitlist. I think they kind of have to blatantly gouge you or someone you know or do dangerous things to deserve the list, I think most shops have one or two dumb policies, rules or just plain fuck up occasionally.

That makes sense. GNO Wouldn’t necessarily be on my shitlist. I still go there every once in a while only because they’re closest to my house. Just have to go in ready for some douchebaggery.

in Miami…
for track parts/bikes: Business Cycles
for anything that isn’t track specific: Mack Cycle & Fitness (see Donald)

+1. Those guys have always been really helpful.

columbus doesn’t have shit in the LBS category except for b1 bikes.

b1 bikes. - Awesome local messenger who runs his own shop. only person in cbus who carries fixed specific parts and bikes. Built me up a set of wheels for free once… I just had to pay for parts.

edit: moved to LBS shitlist

Haven’t found a good LBS yet, but i haven’t really explored… the only thing i have explored is how unbelievably terrible the bike shop close to me is. I dont think it is right to say their name, but if you’re not looking at buying a brand new roadbike or their lemond SS’s hanging in the window, they treat you like dirt. Even, If you ask an honest question they’ll answer it then move on so they can sell their expensive bikes to someone else.

never had a successful visit there…




