The Tarck as Fuck Bikes Thread

this thread is gonna be great


That’s amazing but I’m confused what the barcon is for. 2xSTI + Barcon = Confused.

paired spoke on a tandem?

I can’t wait to post pics of my new bike, its probably the tarckest bike straight from the factory currently in production…

Purple chain, Celeste Grips, white cranks, white wheels, white san marco seat, white/grey frame…

[quote=“Rusty Piton”]
That’s amazing but I’m confused what the barcon is for. 2xSTI + Barcon = Confused.[/quote]

There’s a caliper and a disc in back. It’s probably to operate the disc as a drag brake.

neon orgy is the best

That tandem does not have enough inspired color-accessory choices to be considered Tarck As Fuck. Maybe Badass, but not Tarck As Fuck.

I mean, dude, I think we can pretty much say black bartape = not TAF.

i kinda think all of my bikes are/were tarck.

also… these are tarck as fuck:

Jackass, but-

Seriously. Shit is insane.

I really love that Ira Ryan.

I think I posted it in the badass thread a few months ago.

can’t forget these: