300 dollar vintage bikes

what about you?

Way out by JFK, in Jamaica. I basically only sleep there, I messenger and have been hangin in Brooklyn a lot lately and trying my game with the hipster chicks, haha.

You really don’t need any game, just liquor. Pretty sad.

damn that’s deep. word on the brooklyn thing though. i’m there all the time too. who isn’t these days?

you should move to bushwick or something

You on fixed.gr/nyc?

I’m 19 and live at home and am going back to school next fall more than likely. I don’t want a roommate and can’t afford a place on my own. Well, I could, but it really wouldn’t be financially smart and I’d be stretching shit a lot.

Been looking for architecture drafting jobs since I got out of HS (majored in that shit) but everywhere you go, they wanna see the college “experience”, when I learned a shitload in HS and am kinda advanced. So I figure lemme just go to school and up my chances. Cause unless this economy has some huge fucking jump, being a messenger and living in this city comfortably will be impossible.

And this thread has been fucking hella derailed.