Alpenrose Crash

This was posted elsewhere on Tarck, but it merits discussion here.

It looks to me like the guy in black on the BT is trying to throw his bike in the sprint, which of course, you don’t do. Were any of your Portlanders there, or do you have an inside scoop?

That looks pretty brutal. I love how one of the guys ramps over a guy’s bike and then almost pulls off a ‘fixed gear freestyle’-esque fence ride.

it completely looked like it to me as well. his bike hops four inches to the right then slides out to the left and he is the only one anticipating it until everyone has crashed. He then precedes to moaning like a cat in serious pain. I’ve watched it several times and he seems in perfect control. I don’t have a velodrome here and and can’t really speak much for that kind of world but that is insanely disgusting that someone would do something like that. Guy must be going through a shitty divorce or something. This is why murdered out is not tarck and not tarckworthy, it brings with it some serious douchebaggery.

this is the third thread this video has been posted in, fwiw/

hard to say, but the guy inside of the sprinter’s line seems to have drifted up track a bit and his bars met up w/ BT dudes hip.

It doesn’t look that way to me at all, but that could explain Murder’s hop to the right…

the guy who did the rail grind posted about it on pdxfixed ... nch-ramps/

TB Nate’s posts

The wallride is definitely epic.

nathan “rail-rider” frenchen’s wheel.

the camera angle makes it difficult to see what happened. i figured the blue rider to the right of the crasher passed too close and brushed shoulders. either way it was a pretty risky situation in the first place.

Did anyone else notice how the free-flying tri-spoke wheel ends up on another rider’s arm? That couldn’t have felt good…

[quote=“andre nickatina”]
nathan “rail-rider” frenchen’s wheel.

the camera angle makes it difficult to see what happened. i figured the blue rider to the right of the crasher passed too close and brushed shoulders. either way it was a pretty risky situation in the first place.[/quote]

at least his tufo is ok…
and yeah, I’ve mentioned the trispoke deep field dive-catch. like watching a baseball game or some shit.

It’s pretty mindblowing that it landed just right for the guy to basically catch it, after flying more than I ever saw a wheel fly. I was laughing at that and now I feel bad for laughing at some poor guy’s pain. It’s actually the same guy who did the wallride/grind… must be a stuntman :smiley:

To me it looks like a simple freak accident (guy in the middle screwed up) but what do I know.


you know not of what you speak.

i was there when it happened! two of the riders rode the race again after the crash, and one of them had road rash all the way up his left side.

The guy who’s disc was used as a launch ramp lives in next to the shop I work at. Can’t wait to get the story from the horses mouth.

I wonder if he’ll have a new bike by tonight. Poor montello.

I heard about this at the velodrome last night… Turns out I have ridden with one of the guys once or twice… Think it was the guy who lost the tri-spoke in black.