Alright, which one of youze Austin boys owns one of these?

Hah. Theft is huge in ATX. My guess is they were in front of a joint where they could see through the window and watch them the whole time. That or they just want to be an expensive statistic.

Everything in Brooklyn gets stolen in a matter of minutes, don’t you know? No one there owns anything, they just steal it from someone until it gets stolen from them.

[quote=“m4bandit”][quote=“zelah”]sometimes when i see unlocked quick release front wheels i want to take them off and rest them on the frame

but then i’m worried they’ll actually get stolen if i do that[/quote]
In this situation, I would love to switch their wheels. It’d blow their minds.[/quote]

Oh man, switching their wheels would be funny as fuck, you could take bets on how long it would take them to notice and then how long it took for a fight to break out because one of 'em thought his buddy had done it on purpose.

[quote=“dooktruck”]those bikes are tame compared to one i saw at the crit race.
he wasn’t racing it of course.
i didn’t get a picture but it was a softride single speed w rizerz & arrospok in the front…so terrible.
i saw a bad ass yellow and blue romic track bike though.[/quote]

i saw that softride. i tried to get a good picture of it, but i was across the street. the girl i was with was in the middle of a story and i just yelled out “TAAAAARCK! OH SHIT SO TAAAAAAARRRRRRCK!”

[quote=“jim”][quote=“dooktruck”]those bikes are tame compared to one i saw at the crit race.
he wasn’t racing it of course.
i didn’t get a picture but it was a softride single speed w rizerz & arrospok in the front…so terrible.
i saw a bad ass yellow and blue romic track bike though.[/quote]

i saw that softride. i tried to get a good picture of it, but i was across the street. the girl i was with was in the middle of a story and i just yelled out “TAAAAARCK! OH SHIT SO TAAAAAAARRRRRRCK!”[/quote]
Haha! Niiice! Didn’t see anything except maybe one tarck bike locked up in a hanging fashion near the tapas bar between turn 2 and 3.

is that bike a Masi or is that a MASH stencil/sticker?!?

My guess is it’s a MASH sticker.

post this shit on TXFIXED and see whats up. it’s pretty much austinfixed anyway

Here is rear arrOspok for extra tarck points.

He does have a MASH sticker on his seattube, but you can’t see it in the pic.

do bulletproof cranks and rocket ring + deepv/arr0 add or dock tarck points?

Can he even fucking touch the pedals with that much seat post?

I didn’t see him ride the thing, I just saw him leanin on it.
Bikes like that aren’t for riding anyway.

shoes like that aren’t for riding either

Good point!

but he’s got gloves, he must ride!

or breakdance

its a compact frame, so I would bet he can at least tip toes em :slight_smile:
That looks like a less manly gear ratio than my 44/17 for the mad trixzzzz

It’s a stripped Giant Bowry.
Bowry=barf in my opinion.

HAHA, that bag and wheel cost more than all the shit on his bike oh god.

or as one puts it here on this board

Oh God Oh God
Oh God Oh God
Oh God Oh God
Oh God Oh God
Oh God Oh God
Oh God Oh God
Oh God Oh God

if it adds points, i’m winning.