Alright, which one of youze Austin boys owns one of these?

A dude I know snapped this over the weekend and was talking about hipster track bike riding doofuses.

Tarck as fuck.

Those are all tarck as fuck. Wow.

holy shit

i cant tell but i hope for the love of god that the middle bike completes the trio of tarcycles with matching cranks, chain ring, chain and hub

Wow, Tarck as Fuck

wtf?? how does someone put those together and go “yeah, thats rad, i want people to see these and not think im colourblind”

tarck(fucking ugly) as fuck…

I like their clever locking scheme to protect nothing but their frames…
next time this happens someone please steal a front wheel out of spite.

Don’t want to chip that paint on those spoks…

Though I’m not a thief, if I ever saw a bike like any of these locked in this manner, I would be very tempted to steal parts from them.

That U-lock is way too big to be tarck!

Yeah, I see this bike all the time by where I work.
The funny thing is that the ArrOspok is probably worth more than the madison frame!

Obviously it’s for ultimate double locking powah.

sometimes when i see unlocked quick release front wheels i want to take them off and rest them on the frame

but then i’m worried they’ll actually get stolen if i do that

i always wanted to lock somebody else’s bike up…

I lock like that, but only because I have a mini and it won’t fit around deep Vs, my frame, AND a pole. Plus my wheels aren’t quite as flashy as arrospoks.

Also, it looks like the non-arrospok bike is being shunned for not being tarck enough.

those bikes are tame compared to one i saw at the crit race.
he wasn’t racing it of course.
i didn’t get a picture but it was a softride single speed w rizerz & arrospok in the front…so terrible.
i saw a bad ass yellow and blue romic track bike though.

why are arrospokes always in the front? i always wanted to know…

Fronts are easier to come by/cheaper.

My bike is unique. Just like everyone else’s.

[quote=“zelah”]sometimes when i see unlocked quick release front wheels i want to take them off and rest them on the frame

but then i’m worried they’ll actually get stolen if i do that[/quote]
In this situation, I would love to switch their wheels. It’d blow their minds.

is theft not as much of a problem in austin. if those were locked up in nyc those wheels would be gone in about 5 minutes and with those shitty locks the bikes would last maybe an hour.