Badass MoFo road O' the day.

Transfăgărăşan in romania, it goes past vlad the impaler (dracula)'s castle

insanely badass

grimsel pass, switzerland

Transfăgărăşan in romania, it goes past vlad the impaler (dracula)'s castle

insanely badass[/quote]

what the i don’t how do you my god.

i think it’d be bad ass to do the tdf climbs with all the paint still on the road

Transfăgărăşan in romania, it goes past vlad the impaler (dracula)'s castle

insanely badass[/quote]

Would like to descend.

Transfăgărăşan in romania, it goes past vlad the impaler (dracula)'s castle

insanely badass[/quote]

Would like to descend.[/quote]

Transfăgărăşan in romania, it goes past vlad the impaler (dracula)'s castle

insanely badass[/quote]

Would like to descend.[/quote][/quote]

i want to go to there.

gorges du verdon was pretty sweet.

Transfăgărăşan in romania, it goes past vlad the impaler (dracula)'s castle

insanely badass[/quote]

Would like to descend.[/quote][/quote]

i want to go to there.[/quote]

Another view:

Il Passo dello Stelvio

holy shit, that’s the craziest road ever!


Just watch out for the Directeur Sportiff when you’re riding there:

Does not at all compare to the above, but at least I can say I did it?



Just watch out for the Directeur Sportiff when you’re riding there:
i WILL ride real cobblestone roads before i die/unable to ride


Queen stage for le tour this year: