Bags & Bars & Stems

Fabios Chest X11 Cotton Mountain Brown - $270 shipped
Swift Industries Zietgiest Coyote Brown - $120 shipped

Rivendell Tosco 65cm 31.8 - $60 shipped

Nitto Fillet Faceplater quill stem 135mm 31.8 - $120 shipped
Nitto UI-12 quill stem 110mm 31.8 - $60 shipped

Or make an offer or tell me I’m a moron and asking too much

Yes, gimmie the Toscos.

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Shoot me deets and I’ll ship it

Also edited post b/c the Swift is actually the Zietgiest, not the smaller Catalyst. My bad.

Will snag the Zietgiest if it’s still around.

All yours

600mm Crust Towel Rack bars, mocked up once, boxed and ready to go. $100 shipped

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I have one of these in my storage closet and I’m tired of it falling over on me every time I grab something Dynamo Wheel - 26" Shimano Alfine Dynamo | Perennial Cycle

$240 shipped

26" silver rim brake QR, presta valve, Alfine dyno hub. I can include a Supernova E3 pure for $100

Bump price change tired of looking at this shit in my closet

Trade for Jr Ranger panniers