Best Pedals for Clipless & Street Shoe Riding?

I’m building up a commuter bike and want clipless pedals on it. But I also want to be able to hop on the bike in street shoes and ride it to the store, etc.

I’ve been looking at the Time ATAC Zs, and they seem like they might work but they’re primarily designed for downhill use so I don’t know how platformy the platform actually is.

Any experiences or suggestions? ... ry_ID=5240

Not sure if you wear spd’s or road cleats… these look like they fit the bill if it is spd…

I like the Crank Bros Mallets.


Not sure if you wear spd’s or road cleats… these look like they fit the bill if it is spd…[/quote]
I’ll get whatever cleats I need for the pedals. But yes, those would work.

The Times look interesting. I would look for something double sided definitely.

just get regular ATACs. They’re fine for a mile or two in soft shoes. All of those downhill monsters are heavy as hell and you usually have to modify recessed-cleat shoes to actually clip in.

Just run a brake, I run quick trips on my XEs in flats all of the time.

It would be a geared bike, so I would definitely have brakes. But I want to be able to ride a fair bit without feeling like I’m standing on pebbles which is why I was looking for something bigger. I have looks on my road bike, and those are probably big enough to use, too. I’d prefer double sided though.

[quote=“thurston”]just get regular ATACs. They’re fine for a mile or two in soft shoes. All of those downhill monsters are heavy as hell and you usually have to modify recessed-cleat shoes to actually clip in.

Just run a brake, I run quick trips on my XEs in flats all of the time.[/quote]

Good point. Wide platforms mean reduced cornering clearance too.

Clips n’ straps or Power Grips would be the other obvious options.

Check out BMX clipless pedals too. I think Shimano makes some and they are a large platform with a floating clipless in the middle, much like a downhill mountain bike pedal.

For shoes I would rock anything mountain. I use one pair of cleats for all riding so I went with XC mountain biking shoes which are basically road shoes with some tread. I still clomp around in them but thats the tradeoff for having a stiff sole.

MKS Stream. case closed.

Where do I clip in to those?

Where do I clip in to those?[/quote]

blah. all i comprehended was “best pedals for… street shoes”

You can always go cheap, and just get some forte campus pedals. spd on one side, and platforms on the other.
edit: nevermind :bear:

You know that is what the first reply in this thread said, right? It even had a link…

Upon further inspection this is just kinda dumb. I manage to make it the 2 blocks to my liquor store in slippers on Egg Beaters. If your “commute” to the liquor store is that intense then just strap yourself into the Dominators.

I don’t want to ‘manage’ a two block ride. I want to be able to ride the bike around with friends for a few hours when we’re going from place to place. I also want to be able to take it on long rides in cycling shoes. Obviously I could switch between pedals, but if I can find something that allows me to do both that’s obviously preferable.

If you plan to ride for “a few hours,” you should probably either put your clipless shoes on or go with clips and straps… Ultimately, riding clipless pedals with street shoes is using a product for something it was not designed to do so I don’t know that any pedal will be good for that much time. Maybe you should look into the campus pedal as a couple of people have suggested…

I don’t think that’s obviously preferable at all. Maybe you need get more comfortable with a pedal wrench and a tube of grease? I switch pedals literally every other time I go out. No problema.

Or just put platforms on your commuter if it has to serve that sorta function? I dunno.

Isn’t there some goon on bf that rides on SPDs in Vans? It’s just sort of a “blah” question.

Sorry my question isn’t interesting enough, zombie. I don’t know every single pedal on the market, so I was trying to get some advice. If you think it’s a dumb thing to look into, then ignore it.

The forte campus pedals seems the closest thing to what I was thinking, though I was hoping there would be a nicer option available. I guess I’ll just stick with looks since that’s what I already have and they’re probably big enough for non-fixed, street-shoe riding.

Hey Tarckstars. My first post here.

I’ve run both the Shimano DH-style pedals and the Times. Of the two, I prefer the Times more because the “clip” part isn’t as troublesome when you are riding sneaker-style. Neither of them are awesome in sneakers, but the Times I can handle riding for a few miles on my mountain bike in sneakers, the others I would switch to platforms. If you are talking about a couple hours riding around town with friends, I’d say switch pedals. If it’s a run to the store, get the Times.

Oh, and both have shitty clearance for cornering.