bike polo in Austin TX

So we have been playing polo the past couple of weeks here in Austin. Everyone is still getting use to it, but it has been a ton of fun. Here is a little video that was shot. I actually made the only goal in the video.

If I get a job in Austin I will come school y’all about how to play down and dirty. SF bone breaking style.

When do you guys play? I’ll be in town this weekend and probably won’t play but I’d come watch maybe.

Bring it.I’m sure we will be better by the time you get here. We try not to break bones though considering I am getting over a broken back.

We usually play on the weekends. I can ask someone to bring an extra bike, if you wanna play.

Yea I am graduating at the end of the year now.
I don’t try and break bones, just in Thunderdome there are no rules!

Bring it.I’m sure we will be better by the time you get here. We try not to break bones though considering I am getting over a broken back.

We usually play on the weekends. I can ask someone to bring an extra bike, if you wanna play.[/quote]
Nah, I’m too much of a pussy to try it out this weekend but maybe later in the future, I’ll take you up on the offer.

cool, I’ll post up a date and time later this week.

i have my final check up for my neck/back, so i’m ready to play. i just don’t have a bike i’d be ok with getting banged up. i’ll still roll out and watch. bandit, hit me up this time when you’re in town.

glad you’re back on the bike les. erik said he saw you tearing around one night in top form. BAD ASS!