Can we make this spencer nonsense stop?

It’s not really funny and it sort of reminds me of that nazi, and we’re mostly white dudes and it’s not a good look.

What if we changed some other word to spencer?

Or, like, a whole bunch of words?

What if we changed all the words to spencer spencer spencer spencer spencer spencer spencer spencer spencer spencer ?

Mods should change one extremely obscure word to another similar word. Swap “refrigerator” and “radiator” and wait for your moment.

sure change like ‘richard’ to spencer. or ‘white power.’ whatever.

I had a bunch of slack triggers set up at my old job. Basically when a word/phrase is uttered, a chat bot would say a response. It took a year before one got triggered, and it was wholly unsatisfying.

I’ve been wanting to interject this for awhile

you fuckers

Bike is much better I think

i was totally in favor of the spencer replacement at first but i agree it is getting a little bit tiresome
i am indifferent at this time

Yeah it wasn’t very funny to start with and I keep thinking of that Nazi asshole who got punched in the head.

ughhhh now it’s been changed to fop mobile? Honestly it’s not funny.


Richard (Sachs) Spencer ?!?

Honestly thought noodlefop mobile was a nice replacement for noodleb i k e in reference to my rawland

yeah fuck this shit.

it was cute for a few days

but the half life of funny is pretty short

I think I fixed it.

goddamn hero is what you are.