Compendium of Internet Fit Advice

it makes more sense start stretching/core stuff rather than change your fit.

i have continuous ilio psoas issues that get irritated anytime i start some new physical activity.
what really helps me.

lay on your back with knees bent, hands to side. flatten the small of your back and rotate hips forward and hold it for a few seconds. your entire back should be flat on the ground. start with maybe 10 of those, and work up to 20 in a few days.
still on your back, flatten out the small of the back with your legs bent towards you, in the pre-natal position. slowly kick one leg out at a time, like bicycle kick, keeping your back flat. a few of those and work up to it.
lay on you back wit knees up, feet on the ground and spread your legs, just let them hang. in the same position with your knees together, rotate from side to side.
lay on your belly with a pillow at your head for a few minutes a day. do the stretch where you lay on your back and bring your foot to your chest. touch your toes. there are a few other basic stretches i do.

if it’s similar to what i had, you just need to strengthen the opposing muscles a little and loosen things up. i feel good after a couple of days of that work.

[quote=mr. fop]it makes more sense start stretching/core stuff rather than change your fit.

i have continuous ilio psoas issues that get irritated anytime i start some new physical activity.
what really helps me.

lay on your back with knees bent, hands to side. flatten the small of your back and rotate hips forward and hold it for a few seconds. your entire back should be flat on the ground. start with maybe 10 of those, and work up to 20 in a few days.
still on your back, flatten out the small of the back with your legs bent towards you, in the pre-natal position. slowly kick one leg out at a time, like bicycle kick, keeping your back flat. a few of those and work up to it.
lay on you back wit knees up, feet on the ground and spread your legs, just let them hang. in the same position with your knees together, rotate from side to side.
lay on your belly with a pillow at your head for a few minutes a day. do the stretch where you lay on your back and bring your foot to your chest. touch your toes. there are a few other basic stretches i do.

if it’s similar to what i had, you just need to strengthen the opposing muscles a little and loosen things up. i feel good after a couple of days of that work.[/quote]
Definitely going to be doing these things before I go in for a fit. No sense getting my bike fitted one week into being back on the bike.

I think what happened was a combination of sleeping on a futon on the floor (I’m mostly a side sleeper), working a job where I sit all day (never had a job that involved this much sitting) and then riding bikes seven days in a row and just trying to go hard without really stopping to make sure my contact points still worked for me. My incredibly weak core and poor flexibility couldn’t handle that much abrupt lifestyle change at once.

Also, I just drove for six hours and my back weirdly feels way better than when I got into the car.

Yeah. That’s my diagnosis too.

I have a hard time taking it easy on a bike, even if I haven’t ridden in a while. Then my hamstrings get super tight and my back gets grumpy.

sorta an xpost from the geometry chat thread, but lets talk setback.

I’ve read several times that riders with long femurs will generally favor more setback, but why? …obviously riding style and rider preference (or ignorance) come into play here, but what is it about long femurs, or other variances of a persons physiology (like ???) that would influence a more setback position?

I’ve always run my saddles centered or slid back mostly coz it looked right. i never really thought about fit until a few yrs ago and i just scanned the web and looked at my fav pros bikes and i just slammed my saddle as far back as possible and I’ve ridden like that since… feels good man if you ask me shrug. It def seems to make it easier to stay seated more often and power thru shit with those big muscles either side the knee and the glutes instead of having to wrestle the bike so much. but i literally have no idea what I’m talking about - am i on the right track? anyone with setback thoughts should chime in. this is the one parameter of bike fit i always come back to and one that confuses me.

setback feels better to me. in fact, i almost asked eric to add more on v2 but decided against.

most people’s knees want to follow a pretty similar arc

if your femurs are longer they’ll plop your butt further back

Yeah, long femurs means your knee is located on s different spot, so in order to keep your knee in the same spot, your saddle goes back. The shitty side effect is that you have to compensate with handle bar position. And if you’re built like me, long femurs, short torso/arms, you end up with a really closed position if you wanna get low. I.e. my knees are in my chest when I get aero.

eh my knees hit my chest like a motherfucker

it’s life

setback is like the most noticable thing for me about how different bikes ride (in the context of trying out someone else’s bike or a different bike)
rode some track bike a few weeks ago for like 1/2 block with zero setback thomston post 0_o

[quote=catdrew f]eh my knees hit my fat gut like a motherfucker

it’s life[/quote]

^ beat me to it

leg to belly clearance is an interference fit.

isn’t that the moment we all threw risers on our fixiebikes?

have one bike set up according to the grant peterson school, my gut gets it

at least there’s hope for leg to belly clearance cuz you can size down your belly

knee to boob clearance, not much hope, esp when already tiny boobs

I hit my ribcage

Get me into sizing that down

[quote=biekridder]setback is like the most noticable thing for me about how different bikes ride (in the context of trying out someone else’s bike or a different bike)
rode some track bike a few weeks ago for like 1/2 block with zero setback thomston post 0_o[/quote]

Bike fit is totally individual. Telling someone they ‘need’ more setback without seeing them on the bike is fucking stupid, same with needing less setback or more or less saddle or longer or shorter cranks. internet bike fits are fucking stupid.

wat. no shit, did you even read the post at all? fucking idiot

not on that it isn’t

because it’s almost always true

more setback closes your hip angle, dropping your shoulders forward and down, so you don’t need a choad stem anymore

(until your knee hits your collarbone)