Craigslist/ebay/etc finds


i feel like clydesdale fork life is a when and not an if.

my when approachith.


looking forward to your clodsdoyle abomination

I commute on mine almost every day. Highly recommended.

Fuck. Would if a 58 and closer. Mostly just to see the faces of those at Fanatik.

I’ll see you and I’ll raise you 2 cm

Frank do you work at Fanatik? I’ve been ordering from there lately.

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Whoa I went to high school with this guy

it’s kind of the best

used outdoor gear shoppe had this ti spectrum. 9s record, tune wheelset. looked around a 55?

$800, $700 after 10/1

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I’d bet on that being steel and not ti. Looks like silver paint. Will ride better than most but it’s still a skinny tire dead ender

What’s up with spacer? Above the head tube? Also that crank fucks but probably unobtainium bcd

That’s a Serotta head tube extender.

Cause dentists aren’t flexible?

Pic isn’t great but should I get this extremely mint hardrock at the coop?

How would this old alu cannondale ride with some modern wheels + road tubeless :thinking:

(I like the ones with the cantilever dropouts the best though)

Probably. It would make an excellent clydesdale bike (and they have the 1" steerer in stock).

If it fits, you should sits, atmo. I really liked my '89 Hardrock comp basketbike, other than being a size too small.

i’d pass on both atmo