No, the top of the first part of Apex.
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tarck is about having kickass bikes that excell at their genre.
Too many damn mountain bikes in here
Diggin that RLT TAL.
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Jesus, I’m gonna have to wait until shit dies down in here before I post my crappy photos of a stock Synapse again.
What bag is that?
Orange one is Troutmoose, silver/grey one is Dark Realm.
Best purchase in a long time. But it’s not an adventure bike and shouldn’t be pressed into service as one again. Next time, I’m taking the green machine:
(That, for some reason I have no pictures of. Will remedy later)
It’s def a road/gravel road bike. It has very road geo.
This is one mean machine!
Loving the blast of BA bikes.
Tarck is v good at conspicuous bike consumption.