Did you just ShartQ?

What’s a decent sub-$500 hitch rack (2” receiver). Needs to accommodate a 48-49” wheelbase.

Rocky Mounts. Maybe even designed by our own @russ


You’re thinking of someone else. She wasn’t in pdx. There was a gal named devon or something similar, short reddish hair and tattoos, who was on pdx fixed and moved out of Portland. Different person.

@BEEutiful_Wednesday_DDS you’re right, it was a vigorelli, not a Bianchi.

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i’m vaguely remembering this and getting that uncomfortably warm and prickly feeling of shame coming over me. i don’t think i was a jerk other than being complicit by being silent (i hope)

super glad we’ve moved past that, by and large. we were all a lot younger (i think i was 19 or so when i joined) which isn’t any excuse but it’s amazing what a few more years of the real world does for/to you


Hm I don’t even remember

We’ve all changed a lot. It’s really hard looking back at shit i did or said when i was younger, but fuck, we ask learn and grow. Can’t just figure that shit out without learning.

Anyway the lesson here is don’t go into the tarckives.


I sure won’t!

Will I regret getting a pulley system thing to help lift my bullitt into the workstand? Will it be easier than just muscling it up, further injuring my back each time? I wouldn’t be hanging on the hooks for storage or anything, just hoisting it up to clamp the seatpost.
REI has this thing, but I don’t think it would give much mechanical advantage.

I see a doubling of mechanical advantage, and if you got two and a really long rope you could quadruple your mech advantage.



That’s perfect! I really only need to lift the ass end of the bike up to the workstand clamp while leaving the front wheel on the ground. Thanks Doc!

I got curious and reread a bunch of posts on my old account. (I was thinking about asking to merge it with this one.) I didn’t find anything particularly offensive but it’s definitely dated.

Maybe you were just less embarrassing than the rest of us. To me, reading my old posts is like reading posts from a stranger. I don’t even recognize it as myself.

“embarrassing” is different than “offensive”

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Ah, not everyone was offensive.

I’m sure I was occasionally offensive, but primarily embarrassing.


Your first post was kinda funny. You’re certainly a way different human being, now.

I def had some astoundingly idiotic arguments on here. Perhaps both embarrassing and offensive!

Honestly I just go though life with varying degrees of embarrassment or shame


@ant definitely had good taste though

Lol I had to scroll way up to figure out what was going on.

Yeaaa different times, embarrassing posts