As a short person this post offended me. Also, is there a jackass craigslist thread here? I tried searching but jackass is too common of a word.
no offense, but who the fuck cares. you know that guy threw hipster in there just to get views. i ride short bikes. i dont give a shit. you ride what you ride. all those concerned with stupid lables need to get their fucking priorities strait
that bike sucks.
who wants a shitty french conversion?
I thought the joke was always that hipster dudes were tall and lanky.
This guy is such a tool, and obviously himself a “hipster.”
[quote=“pirate”]that bike sucks.
who wants a shitty conversion?[/quote]
When i was selling my Jetta I tossed in the words “hipster” and “Trendy” all on the ad and I got a shit otn more hits then I ever did for any ad ever. People are lame and actually search for “hipster” or “trendy”
that bike is not worth $350 no matter how you slice it.
I’ve considered doing that in my craigslist ads, but I’d feel so dirty afterwards. I have an MBA and a Minor in Marketing (noted merely to point out how such tactics should come naturally), but I just can’t bring myself to use BS when selling something, either personally or professionally. If there’s a flaw or it doesn’t suit your needs, I’ll tell you. Might be why I’m work more on the engineering side of my business than the sales/management side.
This thread has inspired me when I sell my rolls saddle on ebay I’m going to put hipster, trendy in the description.
french bikes suck anyways.
Stop it stop it stop it.