How big are your group rides?

The weekly Tuesday night ride here in Denton reached 60 bikes this time, 52 last week. Before that it was in the 40s for a while. That ride averages maybe 10mph and lasts around 1.5 hours.

Its pretty incredible looking out over a pack that big made up of every kind of bike and rider you can think of.

After the ride a couple of us broke off and did another hour or so outside the city on some smooth curvy sorta country roads doing 20+. That always feels good.

There is also an all-girl ride on Thursdays, and fast rides on Wednesday and Friday. I love this town.

What’s it like where you are?

nothing more than a couple of us, calling to see whats up. then group ride forms and meet in like 20mins, usually has no destination, length…

usually around 4/5people not much of a group

Usually 2-4 people back here.

we hover between 6 and 10 usually, depending on what it is.

sunday morning waffle ride is usually at least 5 or 6

i really cant wait to go waffle riding

I biked through a tiny bit Prospect Park with one of my friends before she got tired two nights ago. That’s about as far as it goes. I don’t really have any biking friends. It’s just me and :bear:

That saturday waffle ride was the only waffle ride I’ll ever do.

I bike alone 99% of the time. But our last critical mess reached 700-ish people. That was cool for like 12 minutes or so.

edit:duh, I ride with my girlfriend a whole bunch. :bear:

MTB 2 to 20 people, Road I go solo.

I’m the only road geek in the group.

Once I chased down a road cyclist. He didn’t even say hi. Thats the closest to a group I’ve ever been.

A road cyclist? What were you riding on, a hover-bike?

when are you coming?


I usually ride alone.
I do like critical mass.
The tenth aniversary in chicago was like three thousand people.
It was stupid big and got kinda out of hand.

Same. We have a Tuesday MTB group that sees at least 4, but usually no more than 10. I like riding trail with 4-8. Any more than that and the accordion effect becomes too prevalent, mechanicals become too common, and an injury is sure to occur.

Right as I was reading this thread and I was thinking “man I wish I had bike friends”, my friend called me and asked if I wanted to go for a bike ride. It’s a :bear:acle!

i dont necessarily have bike friends. . a couple, but i didnt know the guys on the fast ride and we didnt even talk because we were all being too intense.

the ride here is sorta critical mass-esque, in that there is no set route, but we do have some designated intersection blockers (who also act as cattle drivers in a sense, making sure the herd stays in one lane for safety), and people who announce things before and after the ride, and we do it every week, because once a month isnt enough.

i rarely do group rides. i wish people wanted to ride at 3 in the afternoon on saturday after i get off of work… but i can’t seem to find people who enjoy 98 degree weather under the scorching sun who want to ride with me. or on sunday, at 11, when i wake up, have eaten a big breakfast & am finally ready to go. the group rides in miami all happen at like 6-8 am on the weekend. yuck.

when are you coming?

I’m stuck back at home until august 31, when I come back to PDX for school. Hopefully this time it’ll be coming back for good.

Same. We have a Tuesday MTB group that sees at least 4, but usually no more than 10. I like riding trail with 4-8. Any more than that and the accordion effect becomes too prevalent, mechanicals become too common, and an injury is sure to occur.[/quote]

Yup, big groups can suck just for those reasons. Waiting at the junctions for the stragglers while being chewed up by black flies, dear flies and mosquitoes gets old fast.



Well, every Sunday until October, I drive up to Astoria, Set up a foodstand and sell, and then get home at 7:00PM. But it makes me a little happier that they have a fairly small bike shop.