
where can i get these nuun tablets? walgreens?

I rock Hammer Heed and Perpetuem (for longer rides).

Bike shops that cater to roadies.

I thought I was the only weirdo drinking hellah water at the clubs and in the bars? Guess not. But i never meet other people like this, chugging as much water as they are beer.

I used to do that in high school but it got to the point where if I was drinking and there wasn’t water around I’d probably be getting sick later on. It’s definitely the healthy thing to do to down a quick glass of water between beers though, and for sure at the end of the night if you can remember before passing out.

I tried out Nuun tablets today and so far, so good. The price kind of sucks though, so I may just try to buy a few of those ingredients in bulk (namely the potassium carbonate) and mix my own if I ever get around to it. I’m almost positive they’re putting a good 400% mark up on that stuff if it’s anything like what companies like Hammer do to cheap shit like maltodextrin (gels are a huge rip off).

If you need a second opinion on those concoctions, let me know.

nutritional yeast goes a long way in fighting hangovers.

… that’s what she said?

Amy. We don’t need you anymore. You’re done. Goodbye.