I get dropped by old dudes wearing hi-vis vests and campy dayglo bodysuits

Ebisu :bear:

That Jack Danier is so sweet… I remember seeing this pic a long time ago and being in awe of its toe bags.

Edit: Jack Taylor, eh…

These are a little over the top, but Hetchins gets a pass.

Jackass rear tire pressure on the second one… love the color combo on the first one, though.

More info on the Jack Taylor. I am totally stalking this bike on the internets.


Why not? We have a whole other thread for “classy” bikes. Please to be sucking on this:

I forgot which thread I was looking at… let the carbon flow, I guess.

If I ever come into a ridonkulous amount of money, I’m totally having an Ebisu built.

it was in a vid of me ridin mah rollerz

I forgot which thread I was looking at… let the carbon flow, I guess.[/quote]

I think it’s kinda neat for what it is. I love classy, retro, rando bikes. But if one is seriously going to ride 1200km in 90 hours, then who wants extra weight. So, in the vein of pure functionality carbon would be appropriate on a modern-ish audax bike.

I think I prefer somewhat beat up, gaff taped rando bikes with a dog’s breakfast mix of old and new components (llike Emily O’Brien’s) to the retro-classy bikes. I like the beauty of a very functional object that gets used hard.

Why not? We have a whole other thread for “classy” bikes. Please to be sucking on this:


Low spoke count wheel have no place in the rando thread.


This we can agree on. Those wheels are jackass on that bike.


another pbp fixed gear.

(one of my all-time favorites.)

I’m gonna build a rando-style bike next, maybe fixed. I’ve wanted to for some time now, but I think I may have a frame lined up that will work for it.