I went for a ride today and here are some photos

dang ol’ tragedy of tha dang goat commons


Wife and I got Georgian food and drinks tonight. Probably should have brought lights.


wtf kinda sidewalk is that and why don’t i have those but also something something why aren’t streets places for people


My brother in Christ have you visited the church of the holy dynamo yet or are you the guy with the light on a stick I don’t recall.

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how did we end up with a handful of southerners

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City put in a fancy new park last year and they connected it to one of the few bike lane-d streets with this path. It’s nice except for when people in cars are constantly blocking it. I usually just ride in the road.

Do I not have a dynamo because I don’t ride much at night or do I not ride much at night because I don’t have a dynamo?

No lights on sticks in this household.

Wife and I are Rockford ex-pats. The south is a weird place.

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Rockford is the south of northern illinois


I think the answer is yes.

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rode kid to the park for a picnic with one of her classmates (4miles) then back (4 more) then to the ice cream store (1.5 miles) then back (1.5 miles) for a jam packed multi stage tarck century


that is like a tarck grand tour!


First time I seen one of these in a trail park. Who carries their charger with them?

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They’re turning a section of pirate trail into an officially sanctioned hiking trail in my neighborhood with paved sections and some graded sections, so I rode over and checked it out today since there’s no crews on Sunday. They’ve inadvertently created a couple of skate spots too

This chairpole is hideous but I finally got a B17 in the correct position to craddle my little booty so I guess I have to live with it.

Oh and I also found out the middle ring is totally roached and skips like crazy. I guess I didn’t give it a close enough ocular patdown before putting it on.


Brooks at it again with the mandatory rear gooseneck.

I’ve been wrestling with a C17 for the last few months, it suddenly doesn’t fit me anymore, after years of being a basically perfect saddle.

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I was bummed on the Cambiums, they were great for about 15-20 minutes then immediately terrible and bruised my tender sit bone area

I first used a C17 by throwing it on a bike the night before a 200k, barely adjusting it, and finding it way more comfortable than anything else I’d used.

It’s possible that my posture or assprint or something has changed in the intervening years?


It think it just happens. I used to be able to rock a Regal for any length of ride, in just about any clothing setup… then one day anything over a Tarck century was not great.

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Did a “road” ride today. :thinking: