I'm an idiot

…when it comes to mechanics.

So I went to the shop to get my rear wheel rebuilt, basically keep the hub and swap in new spokes and rim. I started cutting all the spokes off before I got to thinking that the cog and lockrings needed to be removed on both sides. So now I had no source of torque to get those little shits loose… well using a chainwhip, lockring tool and vice grip all at once, I was able to get the lockrings off, but the shop didn’t have two 1/8" chainwhips so I had to go to another place to try and get the cogs loose.

Took it to shop 2, they got the cogs off… with a catch. The Formula hub SPLIT down the center while they were torquing both cogs off at the same time. So basically I put myself out $45+ for making a beginner mistake and not taking the cogs/lockrings off before cutting all the spokes.

Basically I’m an idiot. Anyone else have any mechanical horror stories to tell?

I stripped a brand new phil hub, had like 5 miles on it. oh and btw if anyone wants a free/free rear phil hub pm me. I’ll give you a good deal.

HAHA free/free…

That’s impossible! Phil Hubs are 100% bomb proof and nothing on them can ever break under any circumstance and everything else is complete shit.

yeah, bombproof. Not idiot proof. To make a long story short I found out that some EAI cogs run really wide. installed by rotafix, then tightened the shit out of the lockring, Backpedaled and boing, lockring shot off.

haha but they feel like butter when you ride them, they are so much smoother then the miche or velocity. they make me FAST! It’s worth the extra 120.00 per hub!

The only time i ever tried riding a bike with Phils, i found it impossable to go slower than 39mph and i lost control and totaled the dude’s Concept.


this totally made my evening.


I ower you a beer for that.

Sweet! I did the same thing 2 weeks ago, but I have not thought about building up the hubs yet… SO I had not realized my mistake…until now…thanks!?..I think?

If your cog is 15t or bigger it’ll be impossible to build around the cogs…

Why would you bother rebuilding a wheel on formula hubs anyway. They’re basically disposable. I mean a new wheelset would probably cheaper than the labor involved in building one new wheel. unless you bought a cheap ass rim, crappy spokes and did the job yourself.

Dude I might take your free/free. Lets talk about it when you come to chown.

I’m trying to fund a whole other bike build right now (Concept). Plus I’m hoping to replace my front Formula to Fusion with a Ksyrium because those are BALLER and the SSFG community is sleeping on them. Cash is a little tight with these big aspirations of mine… but yeah, I agree that the hubs basically are “disposable” at the price they’re sold. But why throw out a perfectly good hub (well, before it got split…)? A new wheel set could be cheaper if I bought some bullshit Weinnman Deep V to Novatec trash but fuck that. This is gonna be an IRD Cadence Aero laced with Sapim Lasers to Formula, handbuilt by a veteran, no corners cut. Rim is 30mm deep like a Deep V and weighs a good 450g after the polish job… BALLIN.

Fuck, you know what, I’m trying to do 3 things at once right now and honestly I don’t even get what you’re trying to say.

I bought a weinman dp-18 laced to formulas with DT swiss for like 170 shipped on ebay. I’ve since crashed hard with the wheelset and they’re still perfectly true. My head needed more repair than my bike.

Maybe everyone is ignoring Ksyriums because they’re really expensive and not track wheels.

I’m not sure whether they’re compatible (and don’t care to check), but someone should do it just so it can go in the Jackass thread.

Not all Ksyriums are expensive, and not all Ksyriums are baller. The Ksyrium Equipe (I think that’s the name) is only like $350-400 for a wheelset and the only thing that’s really amazing about them is that they say “Ksyrium” on them and all of the noobs think that they’re million dollar wheels.

They’re perfectly true because they’re tanks. I’m not trying to own a 2300g+ wheelset, you can build shit up for just as strong and a pound lighter…

I’m just talking about the front wheel, so being track is irrelevent. What exactly about being a road wheel would stop people from buying it? HED3’s are a TT wheel and really expensive too. Ksyrium SL’s look sweet, weigh a good 660g, and can take a decent beating to boot. Also, we both know there’s roadies out there who will unload a slightly used one for not that expensive…

And yeah, Ksyrium Equipes are no good. The Elites look okay and you can get a single front off BikeNashbar for $140… that’s as good as what you’re going to pay for a handbuilt with some decent stuff on it. The SL is the real deal! Saw one go on eBay for $190 and not all that used either, not too long ago.