lining up valves and tire labels and other subtle details of bike building, repair and maintenance.

Mostly true.

True but the net affect is the same and it’s easier to say cable stretch to a customer than try and explain housing compression to them.

i just tell em the ghost of major taylor is in their shifters
makin em pay for the black injustices

[quote=dougganita]i just tell em the ghost of major taylor is in their shifters
makin em pay for the black injustices[/quote]
major taylor is from indianapolis
there are local things to commemorate his rad blackness

[quote=k_phombear]pimp crimp


TC: started doing this after seeing this thread.

100% true and so effing easy to eliminate it’s sad. Explaining “cable stretch” is for lazy shops.

[quote=bradencbc][quote=k_phombear]pimp crimp


TC: started doing this after seeing this thread.[/quote]

same, did it tonight

[quote=bradencbc][quote=k_phombear]pimp crimp


TC: started doing this after seeing this thread.[/quote]

coz straightedge amiright?

only if you run two braks, and a 1X. coz three cables to crimp

or something


can you please type out what exactly you would say to explain loss of housing compression?
or link me to somewhere so i can understand it

the bits inside move separately from the bits outside.
and like the spirally part smushes. why you use the lateral fuckers. and shits whack

Ferrules compress and seat onto the housing and into the frame.

Sometimes the ends of the housing are not cleanly cut and finished which exacerbates this.

oh yeah always finish housing with

then open it back up with a cut spoke from a wheel you took apart or something

^Use that to sharpen a spoke end so it’s more shiv-like.
Use it again to flatten off your cable housing.
Hold the housing below the apex(?) of the wheel so that it doesn’t skip around dangerously.
Use the sharp spoke to open up the entrance to the housing if necessary.
Use gloves and goggles where necessary (cuz sparks and small, sharp objects).

QRs in line with fork or chainstay +/-10 degrees you fucking savage.

straight up, like my erect neaderthal penis