New Bike Day!!!

Hey guys, just got back from a spin on my new Osobike. They are so awesome!

I’ll post pictures later, I need to go ride this thing some more.

The crank has all f the efficiency!




That’s great!

Why would you post this stupid shit here?

“you can spend your time riding instead of thinking about what gear to be in”

That thing has no genitals.

It ain’t right.

fuckin seriously!

Quick Setup

Detailed Setup

Front Brake Assembly

oh he didnt disable comments so have at it!

I love that both on the website and the Youtube Tutorial they show the Bullhorns at that crazy angle

oh it gets better: promo material!

this shit is so entertaining!

And educating… Before now I didn’t know STUPID was a speed!


God, I love that website.

he just called a chain tensioner a “safety mechanism”

So did you really buy that piece of shit or what?

DUDE its got track ends! GROUP BUY!!!

Of course I didn’t buy one. Actually, he signed up for FLFixed to spam saying that there was 9,000 hits to his site coming from there. Basically, everybody called him out on being a spammer, and he tried to defend himself.

He went away after I wrote him this note:

Dear Shane,

You sir are an idiot. Here are some facts to back up my assumption.

  1. You misspelled Robb.
    1-b) Robb was pointing out that this exact business model was tried by you in the past on a different forum with many of the same members. And it failed.
    2)That was a Star Trek picture, not Star Wars. Also, it is an internet meme known as the facepalm. He basically was saying that your post pained him so much that he simply lowered his head and put his palm on his face.
  2. You came to an open forum posting a spam message about your bikes. Take a screenshot of your 9000 hits coming from BEFORE the time you posted this message, then we will believe you that it wasn’t spam. You came to spam a public forum, of COURSE people are going to criticize you.
  3. Your ‘defense’ is only digging you deeper. Would you like another shovel?
  4. Yes, a custom frame made in America would run you about a grand. BUT your bikes are not custom, they are manufactured in mass. They are off the peg. You probably used a shitty bike geometry program to draw the frames up.
  5. A custom frame built to my body that I pay a grand for will be of MUCH higher quality, both in materials and manufacturing, than your shitty little coaster brake road bike.
  6. Go away.

I hope you like my list of reasons that you are in fact an idiot.

Love and Kisses,
Ryan D

I haven’t posted on this forum in a long time, so I figured that this was a good way to say hi to all you sick fucks.

Osobike the Art of Simplicity!

the fact that i came across this thread, stuck in a hotel room in anchorage alaska sadly just made my night! LOL comedy factor +++++++++++++++++++++++++++

Well, I am glad that this thread successfully made people look at OSOBIKE.

When OSOBIKE RULES THE WORLD, Shane is going to pay me MILLIONS OF DOLLARS (in OSOBIKE parts) for my subliminal advertising techniques.

I really hope he signs up for this forum and is like OH HAI I GOT 9000 HITS.

Then I’ll tell him that I accidentally the whole thing.