New & Interesting Bike Campenaerts

I think a lot of food kinda needs the suspension and reduced number of transfers


Does any delivered food actually arrive in an acceptable condition anyway?

Any stuff I’ve had delivered ends up being about half as good as it would be in the restaurant. The exception is consistently Domino’s because they have this shit figured out and their delivery people (in my neighborhood) really give a shit about getting you your food in good condition.


maybe i am the only one but i really hate getting food delivered. i can’t think of anything i’d prefer to have delivered MORE than i’d like to just make something myself. if i want pizza i go pick it up myself at the pizza shop because i hate not knowing when the pizza will come to my house


Pizza is like the only thing I like delivered

Plus, when the pizza dude shows up and you yell out “PIZZA DUDE IS HERE!” the crowd goes wild. Seriously, try it

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I’m very much with you
Except for pizza.

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Absolutely hate food delivery. Here’s your smashed up food at room temp. Another thing; I know we charged you $10.00 for delivery but the driver doesn’t get any of that so better tip to keep them out of the poorhouse.


Dude I live 6 blocks from the pizza spot and I still get it delivert because shouting out
when I open the door is like my second favorite thing

Rode my longtail to the pizza drive-thru (Texas!) a couple weeks ago and I was quite pleased at how confused the woman giving me my pizza was


our delivery via car is pretty good here in sf. food survives, decent temp, etc, but it’s never coming from more than 5 miles away.
i always felt so bad when i was delivering food via bicycle. one person at the fancy pastry place said, “ugh why do they keep sending bikes for this?” it was some kind of fancy looking thing that of course got shredded by the time i got it across town.

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Just got a local place to deliver me pizza. It actually wasn’t great.

i finally live within range of some food delivery (think very minimal), but honestly i am unwilling to risk if as i’m 8 miles from the nearest spot i’d get food from and it seems likely it would be cold and disappointing.
like i picked up a pizza once and got home and it was the wrong pizza and they delivered one and the one that showed up was so friggin bad. it was completely cold and seemingly made in a rush (did not taste good). i hurriedly tried to give it a few minutes in the oven to make it edible again, but it wasn’t enough.
didn’t help that delivery guy pulled up to my house, then pulled away, then walked around at the apts behind me for 10 minutes in a wind storm before finding the back of my house to bring the pizza. so if it hadn’t been cold when he got here, it was cold then.

We had a food delivery experience over the winter where our doordash driver’s car died in our driveway. Multiple failed jump starts later (car would start then die soon after), we ended up paying for a tow truck so she could at least get back to her home. She and her car were both in pretty rough shape and it really put the “gig economy” into a different light for us.


Yeah but imagine how good this feels when you personally are the pizza guy


I walk to get pizza from our corner spot even though it’s not the best pizza around

Coming home with pizza is second in excitement only to happening across sup and the dog on a walk around town. Dog goes nuts for that.



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here is what happened the last time I “delivered” a cake to my wife on a bike


“More like Premium crush!”



Look has a composite pedal, now. It’s about the same price as everyone else’s.

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There must be a big market for plastic pedals. Seems like every company has a similar looking pedal

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I have to wonder how the sales of the companies that first dominated this segment have progressed. I feel like the Race Face Chester was THE pedal that defined the $40-50 pedal that doesn’t suck category. How have their sales progressed? I’m sure in the wake of the Covid bike boom this segment has exploded overall, but the pie can’t be growing at the rate of companies trying to take a slice.