New Soma saddles (e.g. expect a call from italian lawyers)

[quote=“bonechilling”]Soma sucks. Everything they make seems to be one or more beats off, and I am frankly surprised that they are making more products rather than going out of business. I guess the fixed gear boom is so big that it can keep even the worst companies afloat (Mission Bicycles, SOMA).

This man is wise beyond his years.

The seat names are Japanese and translate to Regal, Turbo, and Fly. The shop I work at got the flyer from Merry Sales that sells all of the Soma products plus lots of other stuff. Shop cost for one of those new knockoffs is close to $40. A steel railed Regal shop cost is twice that, and the ti railed version is even more!!! I bought two steel railed Regals in the spring through QBP and they were $20 cheaper than they are now. Oil prices, value of the dollar, or all the hipsters buying them up increased the price?

tarck is about all you haters suck my balls

so should i buy the knock off regal? i need a new seat

[quote=“mailer”][quote=“kowloon”][quote=“m4bandit”]I grabbed one of their Kamisori saddles from them for $60. I was trying to gt it from Universal for $40.

It’s worth $40, not $60 but whatever.

I don’t like any of these “new” ones so I’m not worried about it. They’re just trying to offer them up for “cheap” for the folks taht want the look but none of the price associated with it.[/quote]
Personally it’s not the price that interests me–it’s the nonleatherness.[/quote]

+a million[/quote]

and 1.

i just rode home from the LBS on mine (~10mi or so) and it feels pretty great. It was $55. I say hellz yeah.

[quote=“bonechilling”]Soma sucks. Everything they make seems to be one or more beats off, and I am frankly surprised that they are making more products rather than going out of business. I guess the fixed gear boom is so big that it can keep even the worst companies afloat (Mission Bicycles, SOMA).

If they even make that 650b MTB frame, I’ll be into that.[/quote]
Eh, I don’t know about saying that about everything they make. I have one of the jerseys, a pair of gloves, and a pump and they all fucking rock. It just seems to me that they have a mix of sweet and shitty stuff. I think they just try to appeal to the hippies who ride bikes a little too much (hemp bags, vegan saddles, etc.) and don’t necessarily pull it off just right.

I spent less than that on a brand new Regal with Ti rails. Ebay has those weird white ones with the “No Slip System” up all the time.

As far as Soma goes. They suck 90% of the time. I do admit to loving their Sparrow bars a lot. But I think those are just Nitto Northroad knockoffs though. But I’ll bet their other bars aren’t too bad.

Soma is legit but misguided. The guys behind it are cyclists and seem decent to me.

So what’s the word on the knockoff Regal?

On the one hand, some Soma stuff isn’t the best, and some of tarckbike doesn’t seem to like it, and let’s be honest, I want a new saddle for style first- what other people think matters to me.

But on the other hand, it’s a cool looking non-leather saddle that would go with my bike.

Further thoughts?

[quote=“kowloon”]tarck is about all you haters suck my balls


Yeah, no sarcasm, seeing the repost is really making me want to pull the trigger on that one.

[quote=“henryclay”]and let’s be honest, I want a new saddle for style first- what other people think matters to me.

Further thoughts?[/quote]

HAHAHA jesus fucking… :colbert:

Honestly though, try it out. But don’t expect it to be comfortable because it looks cool.

Yeah that’s kinda my fear. I’ve got this Planet Bike gel-type one, that’s ugly as shit and falling apart, but is really comfortable. But, it’s ugly as shit. So I was thinking cosmetic upgrade, hopefully not sacrificing comfort too much.

Well, there’s no harm in trying something new.

It’s kind of hard to tell from that angle, but it really looks like that doesn’t retain any of the Regal’s shape at all. I’d have to see one in real life to judge though.

it’s a lot wider at the front than a Regal. The basic shape is the same though–the angle of the pic might be a bit misleading.

looks a bit like a turbo and regal had a baby.

a returb

I wouldn’t worry about buying a saddle like this and not liking it after a week or two. It’ll sell fucking quick if you don’t want it. Just throw it on craigslist for the price you paid minus shipping. SOMEONE will buy it.