free and or long term loan.
medium sized tanks on a cobbled together cart with various torches and attachments.
I am losing the space I keep it in.
it’s in brooklyn.
I don’t really have a way to move it safely unless I vent the tanks.
free and or long term loan.
medium sized tanks on a cobbled together cart with various torches and attachments.
I am losing the space I keep it in.
it’s in brooklyn.
I don’t really have a way to move it safely unless I vent the tanks.
Ship to Canada?
I have a cobra torch and some little jewler’s guys in there
couple tubes of rod
Interested, but intimidated that I might have to do something with it if I got it.
also tempting
Is that one of the Nova stem kits?
I’ve slept on it and have decided that I want it and can get it on Friday. Such a lovely thing to have when dealing with rusty fasteners. The other wanters may fight me for it.
Does one have to vent the tanks to move it in the bed of my truck?
You can strap it in the back of the truck. You just don’t want it inside with you full of gas. Let me see if I can sort it for Friday. Should be doable.
I could have shipped it to Chicago last week but that’s over
sorry to sully a sale thread but how fucking long have I been gone? Did you move to Canada?!
Lol I wish.
Still in Chicago.
If it doesn’t go soon I may be able to arrange pickup.
I went and tried to put eyes on it this morning and it’s going to take a little while for me to get at it
you need a hand digging?
The guys that buried it get to dig it out tha next time they are there
so not friday? lol