Randonneurs (randos), use metric for distances; it'll make them feel like a longer ride: rando chat‽

I’ve never carried nor used plugs. I’ve also never had a tubeless flat in 7 years of tubeless so these days I figure that A. if i did it’s gonna be a semi catastrophic issue that will require a tube and B. I wouldn’t be able to get the tire reseated if it unseats so might as well just bring a tube. Is my reasoning flawed?

Your reasoning is fine but you’re going to get a small puncture next time you ride


If it helps-- I’ve never had a non-panaracer tire unseat when deflated.

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If you are are a tire/rim combo that unseats (I’m looking at you Conti and DT Swiss) you’re probably boned. But otherwise. Yeah a plug.

I didn’t carry one for years and was fine. But now I do and I’ve used it a few times. Coincidence?

I didn’t know about Conti/DT unseating issues! Have you found Conti stuff unseats a lot on other rims, namely common carbon stuff like Nexti/Roval/Reserve?

They seem to stay put on the Nextie and LB rims I’ve had.

DT alloy rims seem to have a similar issue with some Pirelli and Maxxis tires too though.

I love to know if there are in fact slightly different patents or accepted dimensions for this that all fall “close enough” into the “standard”. Because there certainly is quite a bit of variance out there.

You can’t use a plug with reens. They can’t handle that shit.

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They take bacon strips quite well though

Perhaps the not ultralight ones, but I’ve only ever used the ones made of tissue paper. They only die via sidewall and the sidewalls are irrepairable.

Unpopular but my Challenge Strada Bianchi won’t seat fully even with a tube and 80psi on a Belgium. Which is why I have not made it to tubeless with them yet. Going to revert to tire shaped tires rather than suspender shaped tires.

always a challenge


Reach out to Challenge USA . They will warranty it.

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Yay it’s my first time organizing a brevet from top to bottom. I still have to run the mid point control today (on top of Mt Baker in northern Washington). I am posting here simply to share.


I did the preride last week, it was record breakingly hot for this area and it made it quite a bit harder than I thought. This week it is not so bad.

that’s a hell of a climb on a bicycle :wink:

Oh, that is a lovely route. I particularly like the downhill right after the midpoint; it encourages people to not dawdle (and cool down) before sailing back north.


Everyone made it to the summit, i hope they all make it back

That area is ridiculously pretty


Update: 10/10 riders finished my dumb hard 300. 3/10 women and a good percentage in the elusive under 40 demo. I had anxiety about this but it went great, I will organize again next year.


Soooo if I’m thinking about PBP in 2027(I think?) and have never done any rando/brevet riding before, what should be my prep? I’ve got my eye on a 200k around these parts (SoCal) in October, which will hopefully give me an idea of whether or not I like the format.

Honestly my biggest hangup (for now) is that the local rando group chooses routes that basically just lap PCH, which is a terrible road to ride bikes on (at least in SoCal).

here is my program
Lots of zone2
weekly weightz
A little vo2max
And then just do lots of brevets and learn how not to make big mistakes that cost hours of time. like, never sweat the small stuff, just look for the very dumbest thing you do and try to stop doing that. I haven’t done a single interval this year and don’t know my ftp but am still cruising into “r60” time for my series due to accumulated cunning.