saddle sores? NSFW

anyone have any really gross saddle sore stories? or pictures, even? my kinda GF says she got some from pedicabbing in a sexy indian costume and i want to send her gross pics to make her feel better.

for some reason, searching google for “Saddle Sores” comes up with a lot of naked people on bikes. i guess people think that it’s an original and funny joke.

uhh, why would you want to look at pictures of sores on one of the nastiest areas of the human body?

you tell us, resident asshole

Word to your mother Steve. I get off on chicks riding bikes, not chicks/dudes riding bikes for too long and getting saddle sores from lack of lube and non-wicking cloth.

with a banger

Please instead show US pictures of her in riding a pedicab “in a sexy indian costume”. I can’t really picture it, but perhaps something like a harem dress?

i don’t know what’s NSFW about this thread