Seattle area tarck

3 hours!!!

Good times were hadz Thanks for the hospitalities BRANDUNE.

I am going to be doing a long ride the weekend of the 20th, 22nd if anyone is interested.


I need a yellow Cannondale…

I need a yellow Cannondale…[/quote]

Its a 53…


Anyone available mid-morning or early afternoon for a 30-50 mile ride tomorrow? I know it is a weekday but thought I would put it out there.

How about Sunday or Monday for a ride?

I would join a group ride on sunday and could maayyybe do something on monday. Just depends on what’s happening in the legislature for my jorb.

Maybe Monday, I wont know my schedule for next until latter in this week, it sucks for planing. I am working all next weekend, but am off today and tomorrow.


Good deal, but I’m going Shimergo when Ribble gets the Veloces back in stock. I’m feeling frisky.

I also decided that I’m done with eBay because I’m totally turned off by Paypal at the moment. I had some stuff shipped to my work instead of my house and they froze my account. They told me to confirm through the bank account stuff, and when I did they told me that I had to confirm my address by sending in a copy of my electric bill. I kind of felt like I was being jerked around and have decided not to deal with them for a bit.

I’m only saying “a bit,” because I know that I’m a soft willed motherfucker and I’m gonna get my stuff hooked back up at some point.

Do any of you do allycats? There’s one tomorrow that benefits the Counterbalance race team. I’ve only done a few allycats, they’re not really my thing so I’m kind of in the air about going. But the roller racing afterwards sounds fun and is really close to my apt.

Cross posting from Heads Up thread:

Azonic Steelhead DJ/Urban/Freeride Frame King Headset - $150 (West Seattle)

If I had the cash I would snatch this up so fast!

Tonight…I know its last minute…sorry

I think I’m going to go to this unless my babbysitter falls through

JUst saw this on Sunday …

Anyone going to be around for a Wednesday ride? I know it is a long shot but I thought I would put it out there

[quote=balonya]JUst saw this on Sunday …

Anyone going to be around for a Wednesday ride? I know it is a long shot but I thought I would put it out there[/quote]

Sorry but I’ll be in Scotland after a long flight via Amsterdam, all going to plan anyway!

Can you tell I’m getting excited!

Seattle Bike Swap is it worth my $5 bucks?

I have the same question. I’m 90% sure i’m going to go. I have a list of smallish parts that I can probably get for cheep at the swap (silver 25.4 quill stem, bar end shifters, road fenders, a rear rack). A mixed bag of stuff that I can see people selling at a swap.