My take away from this testing is that slower tire pressures offer the advantage of consistency. For the casual racer or weekend warrior, I think this should be an important consideration. Because unless you are Loic Bruni and can hit the perfect line, first time, every time, you often don’t have the luxury to hit the same section of track 30 times to find the perfect line. If you do, then great! Rock the higher tire pressures, as there seems to be an advantage in speed.
What’s the current option for a cheap x narrow tire for a normie who is mostly just riding a couple miles to the bar every couple of weeks? One of my Biker Boyz buddies has a couple older Schwinns and he is thinking to spruce up instead of getting a cheaper new bike. I am pretty sure it runs 700c tires but probably only on the narrower side of things, he’s not a big guy so it’s probably okay. Conti Ultra Sports for $25-30 seem to be the thing but I’m wondering if there’s anything else in the same price range that might perform better or be more durable.
i just wanted to check in and say yall were right
i absolutely hate these challenge tires (bianca strada in 700x30 sizeway)
they are the most supple, fastest, best feeling roadie tires i ever have ridden in my life, however, it’s not worth the constant pain and suffering of having to air them up every few days or suffer the wrath of dried out sealant. it’s just absurdity.
i think i will put them on my retrogrouch roadie bike, and install tubes in them, and buy something else for the nightmoves that doesn’t eat sealant.