Tarck bikes vs. Road bieks


Surly Cross Check.



there isn’t any real justification for me having a tarck bike. But It makes me happy, so thats all that really matters.

tarck for show
road for a pro

[quote=GRHebard]tarck for show
road for a pro[/quote]

except all those pros that race track.

pros dont ride tarck bikes.

[quote=GRHebard]pros dont ride tarck bikes.


I saw a pretty tarcky green+white bridgestone last night.

Edit: Plus Dan Holloway from team Slipstream was wearing gold lame sneakers last night.

Road bikes for riding on the road.

Track bikes for cruising chicks at the coffee shop (ha…).

it doesnt rhyme. but i guess it works… i guess

tarck bike because its in nicer shape than my road bike and fits a little better.

[quote=DANGERcolonBEAR][quote=GRHebard]pros dont ride tarck bikes.


I saw a pretty tarcky green+white bridgestone last night.

Edit: Plus Dan Holloway from team Slipstream was wearing gold lame sneakers last night.[/quote]


I wonder if like pro cyclists ever ride for enjoyment anymore? What bikes do I wonder?

I ride for a pretty serious team (2009 collegiate conf champs wut wut) and whenever my gf is like lets go for a road ride… i pretty much want a girlfriend divorce.

i’ve wondered that. i’ve wondered if lance armstrong has a cruiser.

i dont know any pros, but i met this girl that is a pro here the other day and she was hella cruisin on a langster single speed im pretty sure…

lance was rocking that trek solo with mash.

lance probably has an arsenal of all different trek bikes

i was looking for pics of basso frames and found a pic of ivan basso on a raleigh one way. kinda close.

[quote=EivlEvo]I wonder if like pro cyclists ever ride for enjoyment anymore? What bikes do I wonder?

I ride for a pretty serious team (2009 collegiate conf champs wut wut) and whenever my gf is like lets go for a road ride… i pretty much want a girlfriend divorce.[/quote]

a friend of mine is on the usa development team and team waste management. when he is home in colorado from racing he doesn’t even want to look at his road bike. he’s all about cross country and downhill bikes.