Tern Sammiches

First there was this:

A quick google search showed me these:

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That cable routing :ok_hand:

WTH some ebay dummy wants to return the chainrings I sold him 'cause he bought the wrong size



Fuck nah!

I did it :sob:


Did eBay change their return policy to cover buyer illiteracy, or…?

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Ebay almost always sides with the buyer. You can drag your feet and try to convince the buyer they can’t return it, but in the end you’ll probably have to anyway.


Found this jerz on eBay

me: selling ye olde wired powertap
ebay: potential buyer sent you a message!
“This is wired, correct? Not ANT+?”

This turd showed up on the local marketplace today for almost $3000

how i feel

“Push the limits of what can be done at …”

There is a message in this bottle and that message is “BEWARE”

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Pretty sure “blacked out” means “yellow logo”

Looks like they colored over the gatorskin logo with a sharpie and left the conti logo. Very artisanal

Still couldn’t be arsed to center it over the valve though.

Is that frame custom? It looks pretty not custom.