The Nü Nü Nü People Thread - Your first post goes here

Please mock appropriately:

nicer bike is sup’s, of course.

Which bike is the nice bike?


This is my question too.

Also mine

What I wanna know is why you have two of the same bike??? Sheesh eh?

sorry for the confusion, nice bike is the blue one


We’ve already got a bike pubes thanks


I was going to ask this but I didn’t know if we were still being mean to new people.

Those are awful front racks. I hope you took this picture on a brevet, because that’s really the only excuse for them.

last century-ish of the year so not quite. how much pushing-through-mud is acceptable to still be considered a populaire? there was a lot of that.

Actual century or tarck century?

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just in a nondiscriminatory way now I think


Good to know.
Did we ever figure out why the new person thinks one of those bikes is nice?

My guess is the one with gears. Gears are nice.

The one without gears could be fixie.
Apparently those were once considered nice. Something to do with Zen?

The dream of 2009 is alive with new guy.

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New person, welcome to the future.

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Nu guy needs to choose either silver or black, not just whatever is in the discount bin. They look like solid bikes, but they don’t feel unified.

Also whoever’s bike is in back may appreciate some nice long mud flaps on the bike in front.

y’all are too kind. here’s the shit bike.


I like that shit bike