The Tarckbike/PistoPoseur Panasonic raffle frame LIVES!


its my wifes bike she has a white saddle :colbert:

you want me to put these blue veeps on it?
with campy pista hubs haha
look at teh lacing

I’s joking about the matching saddle… sweet, sweet lacing!

i got those wheels when i bought the benotto pista frame
complete bike for 380 shipped off of craigslist
the frame broke but i didn’t feel too bad about the deal
the back wheel is 2x drive side and radial non drive side
teh front wheel is radial 18 spokes
my wife rode them for awhile
someday i’m gonna relace those hubs 3x to something else

they were the dudes track wheels

I want a Panasonic road frame…

I can get you one. :bear:

guess what showed up today
pictures later tonight after its built up

I wait in hopeful anticipation

[quote=“dooktruck”]guess what showed up today
pictures later tonight after its built up[/quote]
Nice…start a new thread!

Hey dh- do you want to “lose” a frame in a box inconspicuously addressed to me? If you do, make sure you lose a 53…
I’m just saying… that is all.

As long as you lose a one thousand dollar bill to my address we’re straight. :bear:

“lose” the frame first and I will “lose” a one thousand dollar bill upon recieving said “lost” item… I swear.

:hopes dh falls for sly trickery:

Frame sent.

You’re the best.

Screw this devil child, you already have my address. Send me some sexy bikes.