this is more tarck than anything anyone rides here, period.

ss cross bike from ira ryan.

The Cross Crusade single speed class has one of the the blingiest fields anywhere.

hmmn. does not compute.

cross = new tarck


This was already in the “not sure where to put it” thread, but yeah, cross does seem to be the new tarck.

just a little info on the frame: it belongs to a local veteran cargo courier here / ira ryan’s roommate. he got the frame for free and put a decent amount of money into getting the (liquid) paint job like that. since he refuses to train, he’s going for all out psychological warfare / advantage, which is to say a bike that looks like vomit :bear:

either way i love and hate it.


this is tarcker. ... 201438014/

this is pretty tarck too. ... 201438014/

[quote="(|)"]this is tarcker. ... 201438014/[/quote]

absense of neon-colored bar tape is not helping your argument :bear:

strangely I always end up liking bikes like that, it doesn’t bug me at all.

I was just about to say that.

It’s beautiful.

That bike is way to clean to be a cx bike.

wuuuuuut?! That thing looks like a circus spilled on it. If I rode that, I’d feel self-conscious.

You sir, are not tarck enough.

[quote=“tarckatina”]just a little info on the frame: it belongs to a local veteran cargo courier here / ira ryan’s roommate. he got the frame for free and put a decent amount of money into getting the (liquid) paint job like that. since he refuses to train, he’s going for all out psychological warfare / advantage, which is to say a bike that looks like vomit :bear:

either way i love and hate it.[/quote]

that bike is the shit. and joel needs to make another run of blackbird jerseys.

That guy should roll with team pegasus. Those guys are tarck as fuck.

ss cross bike from ira ryan.

really? joel metz’s bike? that’s quite a change from anything else i’ve ever seen him ride.

he was so excited when he was describing how it’d be weeks before it came out. but yeah, it definitely is different than the more down-to-business/practical bikes he has…

i’m surprised there’s other people who actually know him in person.