Tire Chat

The had it in in 650bx48, looks like it’s sold out?

Dealer site says 50+ of the 650b x 1.75 in black and tan sidewall.

[quote=Lowrey’sOrgan]DQ I thought people loved horizons?
tarck is about getting really excited about something then realizing it isn’t as good as you thought it was[/quote]

It was nice when they were the only readily available 650b tubeless tire, but now there are a ton more options on the market. They’re fine. Roll well enough and last forever, but I’d love to ride something a little more supple.

This tire exists, we stock it at work. I ordered a pair for myself, but then I weighed it and it was like 700 fucking grams so I put that shit back on the shelf.

I’ve got a set of Horizons sitting on the shelf that I didn’t get around to using over the Australian summer. Thinking about moving them on and grabbing some Gravel Kings from euroland. My brain is telling me the GK would be the more supple option. Am I wrong/would this be pointless/should I just yolo and ride the Horizons?

Someone here (maybe sparksflyhigh?) said that the GKs in the 650bx48c sizeways were like the turdliest tires that ever rolled. The Horizons are fine; basically indestructible, tubeless super fucking easy, work decently at low pressure. But they’re not supple.

This tire exists, we stock it at work. I ordered a pair for myself, but then I weighed it and it was like 700 fucking grams so I put that shit back on the shelf.[/quote]

just scrolled down here to be even more snarky about that turd-ass tire

No one will accuse me of being a weight weenie but fuck me if I am going to add an extra pound to my bike for no discernible reason.

Righto, I’d conveniently forgotten about that review… Might just save them for yolo use next summer.

Sawtooth gets ragged on for being heavy, but it also lasts a long time and rolls reasonably well everywhere and tubelesses good. I’d say it’s like a slightly turdlier version of the Horizon, but with maybe more mixed surface compliance.

Edit: Teravail tho?

Yeah they’re not the worst tires, but they are noticeably more turdly than the horizons. Without going to compass or maybe shaving the knobs off a thunder burt liteskin, I don’t think there’s a more supple or faster tire in this segment than the horizon. I would be shocked if the teravail was any supplier than the horizon. All the newcomers in this size seems determined not to go under the 500g threshold that the horizon established; the horizon gets there by having super thick tread an pretty light, supple sidewalls. Panaracer got there by having thin tread with armored sidewalls for a very turdly ride. Everyone else, I.e. Schwalbe with the g one speed 50mm and teravail, seems to follow Panaracers approach because they’re afraid of people slicing sidewalls. I don’t think you can expect any new tires more supple than the horizon to come out, ever. When mine wear out I’m buying switchback hills. I’ve never destroyed a tire while riding

Even the Snakeskin Burt is more supple. Why shave knobs?

teravail won’t list the weights, but they have a “durable” and “light and supple” versions. i wish i had a ballpark of what that means so i could pick one and try it. i’m squarely in the “no right pressure” camp on the horizons but they definitely show no wear after about a year (albeit a low mileage one)

Get a chance to fondle these? I’m interested but there’s next to no info online, not even weight.

I thought tarck already agreed that the Byway was a better tire than the Horizon?

Which model do you need/want weighed?

Get a chance to fondle these? I’m interested but there’s next to no info online, not even weight.[/quote]

Should receive tires today or Monday. Will weigh upon receipt.

Which model do you need/want weighed?[/quote]
need is a strong word. in a perfect world? boff’um. i think either one would give me a good guess for the other. i figure it’s probably ±100g. i also sent them an email so we’ll see if they respond to that.

I have the light/supple en route. Those are the only ones I have in 650B, but I have light/supple and durable in 700C, so I can get a delta between the two versions.
