Tour de Tarck - Monthly Mileage Contest

I’m in. The two bikes that travel significant distances both have computers, I’ll MMR my commutes. How about track (velodrome) miles?

Is this all miles? I may need to get a computer for my mtb if so.

I’m in for tarck miles though

i don’t got no pooter but i guess i’ll be in
old dirty dooktruck operates on honor system

oh man, ever since my computer decided to reset itself for no reason , i got so angry that i refused to use one ever again (was approaching 9999kms)… then this comes up… and now im so tempted…

In for the DFL prize.

Fuck it, I’m in. Who ended up winning the last one? Lot 22? I got something in my apt with your name on it. Don’t know what that is yet but it’s got your name on it…

I’m in for this one. I thought my computer had arrived, but apparently it’s going to be another week. I’ll honor it up until then.

I’m in. Feels a little soon, but i’ll give it a shot.

I’m in this time!
Get ready to not get beat by me!


im in for may. Ill get a comp. set up asap if I don’t use the google mapping thing.

No trainer miles again this go right? I still really like the idea of people making ride blogs. It’ll make it easier to vicariously live through you dudes.

in for the win suckas.

already ridden 300km since thursday. I’m gonna do this without a computer, because I am a luddite and a philistine.

Fuck your mileage

I’m down once i’m out of school, i’ll be doing morning training rides and group rides at the shop i work at.

edit: crits too


all you multi-bike types should buy extra sensors. you can get ‘em fo’ 10 dollar.

Aww, thanks.