Traveling with your bike?


I told them it was a bike.

15 dorra!

Normal checked bag charge

another update:

it made it just fine. they did open it, because there was some little paper in it. THAT is a big reason why i went for a hard case that could be opened and closed as opposed to a cardboard box and tape.

Hopefully this is a sign that the reduction in the price of oil has made airlines slightly less money-crazy.


I told them it was a bike.

15 dorra!

Normal checked bag charge[/quote]

Nice! Is your box considered under over-sized?

Technically yes but they did not measure or weigh it.


But it would be a foolhardy to expect or rely on either reasonable behaviour or consistent application of the rules from an airline.

Yep, so much depends on the arbitrary whim of the almighty baggage lady.

That’s a fucking nice box setup though Room203. That looks like it would survive a forklift attack or two.

Yea, those box shots are honestly some of the hottest bike pics in the history of tarck. And what a long and illustrious history it is.


on monday (yesterday…doesnt feel like it) i got a bolt bus from NYC to philly which was $12 and i just slid the case right under the bus - no questions asked. i was even in chat on the bus since they had internet. it was incredible.

philadelphia was great to ride in. i assembled my bike inside the 30th street train station. i could have even stored the case and my backpack there for like $2 if i wanted to according to a security guard, but i had people come meet me there to pick up my stuff and drop off my friend so we could ride, then we rode back to his house.

i would have flown out of philly, but because i was using frequent flier miles things are pretty restrictive, so i had to go back to new york and fly out of laguardia. the only way i could get out of philly that night to catch my plane at 6:30am was to take a greyhound at 2am and arrive at 4. i get to the greyhound station, the guy looks at my case and goes “that’s not traveling with you.”


so im like “ok how much is it to just ship it to dallas?” “the shipping department doesnt open til 5am” “can i just leave it here then or what? ive gotta catch a plane to dallas at 6:30” “no you cant leave it…”

long story short, after two other people got involved, my bike DID get on the bus with me, but it was considered “freight” so i had to pay $25 extra. STUPID.

then i get to laguardia. i get up to the counter, put the thing on the scale, and its 75 pounds. BAM! $100 fee. the lady was not having a good day. i dont think anyone in new york is ever having a good day.

i didnt have $100.

i did all i could to attempt to get out of it, but they weren’t arguing. it was either you pay, or you dont get on the plane - no two ways about it.

i ended up withdrawing (and overdrafting) my savings account to get $40 more to make the $100. at that point i had like $39 to my name, but the bike made it to dallas.

oh, and i had to leave my car at the airport because no one would drive me there or pick me up. that was $35. oh! then i got to my car and a tire is flat.

Worth it?

all said and done, i spent a little over $300 on transportation alone on this trip. so, you should buy the case so i can make it through the month.

wow adam.

hey Adam what are the dimensions of that case? for a shipping estimate.



thats what the guy i bought it from told me. i should actually measure it. not about to go get it out of the car though. freakin tired.

looks to be about $35 for ups ground.

anyone bring a bike on amtrak? their site says that on some trains they have racks and you dont have to disassembal your bike to bring it on.