U-lock + cable combo

What do you use for the cable? Where do you get these cables? Which u-lock do you use with said cable?

I need to get me one of those cable things.

I use this combo
Got the lock online and the cable off craigslist.
The set can be had for less than $40.

no, you don’t, actually. 2 mini U’s >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> U + cable.

i prefer the one mini u one combo lock. two mini u’s can’t lock to everything and is very heavy. Sheldon knows what’s up.


one thru the wheel in the read tri; one locks the front wheel to the frame. what’s left – saddle?

I grant you that it’s heavy. That’s why I use 1 mini-U and Pinhead skewers.

what’s left is locking the bike to something immovable

I have two u-locks, its so fucking heavy and stupid. Neither of them are even mini-us its a fucking kryptonite EVO-LONG (which weights like twice as much as a mini) and a cheap smaller one up front mostly for looks.

ok, i didn’t type it very clearly, but, per Sheldon, 1 mini U thru the rear wheel inside the rear triangle to something immovable. Other one is front wheel to frame.

What’d i miss?

most LBS’s will have a selection…

ok, i didn’t type it very clearly, but, per Sheldon, 1 mini U thru the rear wheel inside the rear triangle to something immovable. Other one is front wheel to frame.

What’d i miss?[/quote]
no, you didn’t read it very clearly. We understood what locking setup you mean, but unfortunately mini u locks and almost all u locks have difficulty locking to large or obscure objects.

plus combo locks are good for short runs, but then again we’re all hc enough to always have the mini u.

2 u-locks are easier to use. i’ve got one tucked between me and my mess bag strap and one in a fabric horse holster, both full size. but most LBS should stock a cable if you want, and still give you a decent level of protection. i doubt anybody’s going to cut through one of those beefy cables for a single wheel.

ok, i didn’t type it very clearly, but, per Sheldon, 1 mini U thru the rear wheel inside the rear triangle to something immovable. Other one is front wheel to frame.

What’d i miss?[/quote]
no, you didn’t read it very clearly. We understood what locking setup you mean, but unfortunately mini u locks and almost all u locks have difficulty locking to large or obscure objects.

plus combo locks are good for short runs, but then again we’re all hc enough to always have the mini u.[/quote]
you sure? it seems like bward might not have grasped what I meant.

i roll exclusively with a mini-U and I’ve never encountered a situation where I was unable to lock up.

i’m pretty sure bward understood,
but most of the time (for me atleast) the secure poles are 4-5 inches in diameter,
never seen a mini that can lock that up and wheel and frame.
not everywhere has those nice things called “bike racks”…

[quote=snails]i’m pretty sure bward understood,
but most of the time (for me atleast) the secure poles are 4-5 inches in diameter,
never seen a mini that can lock that up and wheel and frame.
not everywhere has those nice things called “bike racks”…[/quote]
dunno, i never seem to have a problem in Oak/Berk/SF. /shrug

[quote=snails]i’m pretty sure bward understood,
but most of the time (for me atleast) the secure poles are 4-5 inches in diameter,
never seen a mini that can lock that up and wheel and frame.
not everywhere has those nice things called “bike racks”…[/quote]
Snails said it all. a lot of poles are too large. Glad you don’t have a problem with it in the bay 'loon, but braven don’t live der.

[quote=bold][quote=snails]i’m pretty sure bward understood,
but most of the time (for me atleast) the secure poles are 4-5 inches in diameter,
never seen a mini that can lock that up and wheel and frame.
not everywhere has those nice things called “bike racks”…[/quote]
Snails said it all. a lot of poles are too large. Glad you don’t have a problem with it in the bay 'loon, but braven don’t live der.[/quote]
fair enough. i guess if i were in that situation, i might choose the giant gnarly Krypto chain over a U + cable. I certianly wouldn’t rely on a cable for an overnight lock-up.

overnight lockup means FINDING the pole that you’d fit the mini-u around. This is for the overnight, which is sadly the same place most nights i don’t feel like bringing the bike up to my room:
but it’s annoying to carry around. I take it if i’m going into the city for a light night partying.

in tx, a mini u is worthless… i use the big ass chain… oh yeah, cables are bullshit.

cables aren’t BS, but (until i lost mine) only really used for locking second wheel. with my evo mini and front wheel off, i can get my frame, front wheel (with 35c CX tire), locked to one of those stupid camel hump racks.

98% of bikes in my state are locked up with 5 dollar cables.

People arnt going to bother to cut through 2 u locks when they could steal 20 bikes in the same amount of time.