Welcome to Our Newest Member, PENGY!!!

Everybody! PENGY is here!

Did you know this about PENGY?

  • PENGY is spelt all uppercase
  • PENGY doesn’t want you to see his/her email address
  • PENGY has made 4 posts so far
  • PENGY is the “feel good” poster of the year
  • PENGY is oblivious to colours

PENGY, it sure is good to have you aboard!

I’d highly recommend adding everyone onto your “Ignore List” except for PENGY!!!

If any of you would like to show your appreciation for PENGY then this thread would be the place to do it!!!

Why hasn’t he posted in here yet?!

Do not forsake us, PENGY!!

pengy isnt our newest member, dipshit

No? Who is?

as of 10:57pm Central time it’s Nick DOA…

but PENGY will always be first in our hearts.

While I am sure Nick DOA also has a terrible terrible piece of shit bike too, PENGY is sort of a big deal around here, so let’s try to keep this topic on one thing and one thing only--------------------PENGY.

Here is a little haiku I whipped up with PENGY in mind:

last night when we fucked
i suspect the condon ripped
you may now have AIDS

I hope it is not too forward.

[quote=“I-punch-you-mouth”]While I am sure Nick DOA also has a terrible terrible piece of shit bike too, but PENGY is sort of a big deal around here, so let’s try to keep this topic on one thing and one thing only--------------------PENGY.

Here is a little haiku I whipped up with PENGY in mind:

last night when we fucked
i suspect the condon ripped
you may now have AIDS

I hope it is not too forward.[/quote]
hahahaha oh god

Ooops, that is “condom”, not “condon”, but I am sure PENGY will know what I meant. I would edit it but somefuck has already quoted it and ruined it. NO EDITING IN THIS THREAD! PENGY WILL KNOW!

if you were using a condon, you may be in trouble.

PENGY is a styling-god… I only wish I had an eye for excellence like PENGY does. PENGY is deserving of some Chuck Norrisesque philosophizing…

I heard PENGY once created a ninja-nazi-cowboy hybrid in order to take over the world but at the last second, with a sense of devine benelovance, he decided humanity was too cruel a construct to destroy and, instead, decided to leave us to our own devices. HE KNOWS WE WILL DESTORY OURSELVES!! THIS IS THE WISDOME WE ARE DEALING WIth hERE PEOPLE!

once again, one of my many attemps to get noticed and have some sort of attention showered down on me by another human being by way of gaining membership to a forum has been thwarted…fuck my life

Shut up nick, this thread is all about PENGY. If you can’t tell, he’s better than you; his name is in all caps and he has his nickname on his toptube pad, you really just won’t be able to compete.

i mean…i heard about how PENGY was chillin at a whooookaaaa bar, and this dude looked at him funny, the next day they found the guys body all twisted and mangled, made up to look like a badass ‘arrspk’. when the cops questioned PENGY about it, he did a mile long skid and stole their souls.

I’m not in favor of this thread


PENGY is gaelic for “MASH skidzorzorzzz!!11!!!1!!1”, apparently.


I feel out of the loop.

why not, you aren’t in awe of PENGY?


The first rule of PENGY is “you do not talk about PENGY.”
The second rule of Pengy is “you do NOT talk about PENGY”