You may find yourself on a digital bike, in a digital world...a (gulp) virtual cycling thread

It’s a scam


Robot dogs bru. Scientifically proven to increase your ftp.


Ok, so I got a smart trainer on Wednesday finally.

Let’s do this!


i’m on there as Bonus Screwman. usually riding around 8:30 eastern give or take. theres a discord or something that we sometimes talk on with voices


I guess I can Zwift now that I have a notebook computer. However, I am completely unreliable.



Haven’t recv’d any reqs yet

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i just applied- i am bonus screwman

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That’s you?
You were the only follower I had on zwift

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Also just applied

Btw Companion app is dumb and doesn’t tell you when you receive requests. It’s dumb. You gotta go to the roster and look for them yourself to approve.

Also you sandbagging your age? You are not 45.

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I tell websites the wrong info for fun

i have zwifted again. is this the right place for me to post questions?
i did the “first workout” thing that is supposed to guess at your FTP, unless i misunderstood the description. except it did not tell me my FTP. now that i’ve looked it up on this “zwift insider” i see that maybe that does not actually test your FTP. do i need to do one of the actual tests like the ramp test?

i guess doing the races before i know my FTP is futile?

is zwift markedly better on a tablet? i’m using it on an android phone.

I thought the first workout did a mini ramp test. I you go to start a structured workout, it should show a horizontal line across the graph of the intervals that shows your FTP. I don’t know what it does by default if it doesn’t have an FTP value - it may default to 150 or something like that?

If it doesn’t seem to know your FTP you can either do a test or if you know it already, there’s a place to input a value (see method #2).

I dunno about the racing thing.

I think the interface is easier to use on a larger device. There’s also a Zwift companion app for phone that lets you make tweaks during a workout - adjust FTP up and down by a few percent and skip intervals.

the first workout does do a mini ramp test which i did not enjoy one bit.

i did what you said and it shows 220, so at least it has my FTP somewhere. that number just seems too generic? is it possible that’s the default starting value?

thank you this is all very helpful

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@BEEutiful_Wednesday_DDS your zwift graph seems to think your max HR is 220… that seems… wrong? i think that is where you are seeing 220. unless they are both set to 220 for some reason.

i checked my boyfriend’s account, who has never done an FTP or ramp test, and under his profile, it says 0 for FTP.

it should have set an FTP from the ramp test, but i am not sure why it wouldn’t have been clear. on the regular ramp test, it pops up on screen after the dialog box when you give up/call it quits on the ramp.

could just do the real ramp test? it doesn’t take long at all.

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Weird I e never done any of the structured workouts and I just ride but it still periodically gives me updates about my ftp

ftp tests are not for enjoying. if you didn’t absolutely hate it by the end you need to do it again.

some of the workouts are specifically tests, use the ramp test and suffer. 20 min test is what i used to do but you need to know what you’re aiming for and then try to do it for 20 mins which sucks

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I’ve been doing the structured workout - 6 (?) week ftp builder

Just go on there and do a few rides and then do a ramp test. Make sure you have all your info correct (weight, etc).

Took me a month or so to figure it out.

I have my phone hooked up to a big tv, I don’t like that I can’t control from my bike but I could probably figure that out with a longer HDMI cord

Also I wish there was better music integration

Edit: the ramp test lite was too easy for me. I hated the regular ramp test

yes i will do the regular ramp test tomorrow. i stupidly assumed “first workout” would be the first workout i should do!